Sessions Information

  • May 11, 2022
    1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
    Session Type: Discussion Programs
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: N/A
    Room: N/A
    Floor: N/A
    The clinical program University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School is shifting from an intensive, calendar-year-long model to a more flexible system in which clinics run for either an academic year or semester, with differing start times available. As part of the redesign process, clinicians are reflecting on the pedagogical and practice-based successes and shortcomings of the yearlong model, as well as the benefits and costs of the new structures. An important part of the redesign process involves this effort to assess learning outcomes, case statistics, students’ feelings about their own clinical experience, and client and community satisfaction, among other metrics. 
    This panel aims to engage participants in a conversation about how to assess several important aspects of a law school clinic more effectively, using concrete examples from the experience of UW-Madison clinicians undertaking this exercise. The discussion will be helpful for clinicians and administrators who plan to engage in a structural program change, whether in the length of student enrollment or in the division of seminar and clinical work. The presenters will suggest ways in which clinics can utilize pre-existing data to guide the structural assessment process.
    The session will open with a 10-minute introduction by the presenters, followed by breaking out into two groups (max 10 people in each room) for rounds of facilitated discussion. The first breakout will be focused on utilizing student learning outcome assessment to inform structural change and it will be a group discussion in which each participant has a chance to speak. After a facilitated discussion in the breakout groups, the session will reunite for a large-group discussion. We will do a second round of breakout groups to discuss assessing client and community experiences to inform clinical redesign, and reunite as a larger group to share reflections, discuss other possible metrics to assess, and conclude.
Session Speakers
University of Wisconsin Law School

University of Wisconsin Law School

University of Wisconsin Law School

Session Fees
  • Assessing the Yearlong Clinic: $0.00