LLM students generally come to a law school with either a JD from an ABA-accredited law school or a legal education from a foreign institution. Some also have substantial experience in law practice. By contrast, for most JD students the JD program is their initial entry into the law as a career. Many know little about the U.S. legal system before starting the JD program. Mixing JD and LLM students in classes, student activities, career services efforts and the life of the typical law school can offer benefits to both, but also create difficulties. After law school, again there are both advantages and disadvantages to including both groups of alumni in the same alumni, development and networking efforts. Indeed, at times, just as separate classes for LLM students may be necessary in some contexts, so may law schools find it useful to arrange separate alumni gatherings or fund-raising campaigns for LLM alumni. The speakers, representing a variety of LLM/JD situations, will provide insights on these issues.
Business Meeting at Program Conclusion.