Sessions Information
January 8, 2025
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Session Type: Section Programs
Session Capacity: N/A
Location: The Moscone Center
Room: Room 155
Floor: Upper Mezzanine Level South
In “Racial Terror and the Decline of the Liberal Legal Order,” panelists will interrogate the relationship between white supremacy, liberalism, and the law in the modern US. Historical changes to the state apparatus under the pretext of national security have led to an assault on the basic humanity of racially subordinated peoples. Through an analysis of the national security state, the Constitution, social movements, and social murder, speakers will trouble the common theoretical divide between liberalism and racial terror, arguing that modern liberalism is undergirded by racial suppression and violence.
Session Speakers
Albany Law School
Boston University School of Law
The University of Richmond School of Law
University of Colorado Law School
University of Colorado Law School
Session Fees
- Law and the Humanities, Co-Sponsored by Critical Theories - Racial Terror and the Decline of the Liberal Legal Order: $0.00