Sessions Information

  • May 10, 2022
    2:50 pm - 4:05 pm
    Session Type: Discussion Programs
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: N/A
    Room: N/A
    Floor: N/A
    “Network and Chill” is a fun, interactive, technology-based approach to increasing access to diversity and increasing representation in our Externship Program and fieldwork-based Prosecution Project at the University of Wisconsin Law School. The technology presents a searchable portal of video interviews recorded with a diversity of supervising attorneys from placement sites. This is our “Netflix for externships,” where the supervisors carry the leading role in each “feature video.” Students access the website and select any number of video interviews to watch. Each video introduces students to that attorney’s trajectory and background, office and work environment, area of specialty, and work with interns. The interviews are designed to increase equity, representation, and diversity of opportunity for the law students, components easily missed in externships, where each student’s exposure to the law and lawyering is limited or otherwise restricted to their one site or main supervising attorney for the entire semester. 
    Law students searching the page of prerecorded interviews have the benefit of access and exposure to a wide variety of attorneys, resources, and careers. This methodology 1.) offers opportunities for expanding networks beyond the externship; 2.) serves as a window into other student’s experience and encourages students to engage, ask questions, and learn from each other; 3.) keeps students up to date in important, evolving areas of law which may be outside their externship, interest area, or core disciplines. 
    The discussion will highlight the current websites and platforms Professors McBride and Glinberg have for hosting such an on-demand, searchable system of video interviews. Presenters hope to foster a dialog with other externship and field-work placement programs on how else to use technology, creativity, and positive aspects of social media to improve access and reach and representation in a diverse legal community for law students beyond their supervisor/field sites/agency. 

Session Speakers
University of Wisconsin Law School

University of Wisconsin Law School

Session Fees
  • Network and Chill: Technology-Based Approaches to Increasing and Diversifying Access to Legal Professionals for Field Work Programs: $0.00