Sessions Information

  • April 30, 2023
    10:30 am - 11:30 am
    Session Type: Concurrent Sessions
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: N/A
    Room: Franciscan C
    Floor: Ballroom Level
    This concurrent session will reflect on the myriad ways in which the clinical teaching market has changed in the last ten years with a focus on the best practices for hiring committees to consider in search processes for clinical and clinic-adjacent faculty that further the diversity, status, and impact of clinicians and clinic-adjacent faculty. The panelists will discuss changes and trends in the clinical job market and hope to start a conversation with clinicians who are on hiring committees about the ways in which we can leverage our positions to further clinical legal education. We will explore the following questions: • What have clinicians serving on hiring committees learned about the hiring process? How can we use what we’ve learned to further clinical legal education? • What are best practices in clinical hiring that will further clinical legal education? • What practices might clinicians replicate from the doctrinal market to further clinical legal education? What practices are unique to clinical hiring that enhance clinical legal education? • As some faculties continue to develop unitary tenure systems, will clinical candidates with both clinical and non-clinical experience have additional opportunities for career advancement? • What ways can hiring committees and candidates negotiate scholarship and service obligations in light of clinical teaching load requirements? • What is the role of clinical fellowships? How should hiring committees value them while valuing diversity and equity? How should institutions develop fellowship programs that best serve future clinical faculty candidates? Depending on the size of the audience, the panelists will place audience members in small groups to discuss these questions and report back to the larger group. The hope is to create a set of best practices in clinical hiring that speak to furthering the diversity, status, and impact of clinicians and clinic-adjacent faculty.
Session Speakers
Albany Law School
Concurrent Session Speaker

The George Washington University Law School
Concurrent Session Speaker

University of Alabama School of Law
Concurrent Session Speaker

Georgetown University Law Center
Concurrent Session Speaker

American University, Washington College of Law
Concurrent Session Speaker

Session Fees

Fees information is not available at this time.