Sessions Information

  • January 10, 2009
    9:00 am - 10:45 am
    Session Type: Section Programs
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina
    Room: Marina Salon D
    Floor: South Tower/Level 3

    Section on Minority Groups
    Marina Salon D, South Tower/Level 3, San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina

    Hiring, Retaining and Promoting Law Professors of Color

    This panel is designed to further the discussion on how best to diversify the legal academy and how to achieve a higher rate of retention and promotion for law professors of color. In past years, statistics have shown that the rate of hiring, retention and promotion is substantially low for professors of color compared to others. In addition, published narratives have documented the added difficulties faced by law professors of color compared to other groups. The panel brings together scholars who have scrutinized these issues at previous times. The purpose of the panel is to learn from the panelists' considerable experience with these issues as well as from the audience's suggestions so as to formulate concrete solutions to these problems.

    -Click here to listen to podcast-

Session Speakers
St. John's University School of Law

University of New Mexico School of Law

Northeastern University School of Law

University of Iowa College of Law

Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law

Session Fees
  • 7190 Minority Groups: $0.00