Section on Constitutional Law, Co-Sponsored by Africa
San Diego Salon B, North Tower/Lobby Level, San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina
Socio-Economic Rights: Comparative Perspectives and Criticisms
Outside the United States, one of the most significant developments in constitutional law and international human rights law has been the role of courts interpreting and, sometimes, enforcing "second generation" socio-economic rights such as access to housing, health care, social security, education, and the like. This panel will critically discuss developments in countries such as Russia, South Africa, India and other parts of Europe and Latin America. The panel will also examine, for comparative purposes, the U.S. Supreme Court's hesitancy to endorse such rights. This group of scholars should provide a solid overview of these developments as well as of relevant criticisms.
-Click here to listen to podcast- -Click here to view Kim Lane Scheppele’s Presentation Materials-