Sessions Information

  • April 29, 2023
    2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
    Session Type: Concurrent Sessions
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: N/A
    Room: Yosemite B
    Floor: Ballroom Level
    In our clinics, we directly address the impact of caste and structural racism on marginalized communities, particularly in the context of the criminal legal system. We are a society acculturated to extreme punishment. In our post-conviction work, we primarily represent clients of color. As children and young adults, social inequity, trauma, and subordination led them to involvement in criminal acts that were harshly punished by a system that disproportionately punishes black and brown citizens. Our work empowers students to focus on celebration of redemption and growth in their clients that merits an opportunity for early release from incarceration. Students engage in a deep examination of our clients experiences to demonstrate that they are more than the worst thing they ever did. We are able to meaningfully connect this work back to the concept of a criminal “justice” system that actually pursues justice. Our clinic students have earned early release for nine individuals who had served more than 25 years in prison for crimes they committed before their brains had fully developed. Each of them somehow held on to hope while incarcerated and redeemed themselves. All of them are now home with their families and flourishing in their communities. Students relished the opportunity to help these individuals successfully transition back home and become productive citizens. Through small group work and then presentation to the larger group, participants will have the opportunity to see the power of the narrative in reshaping the lens through which we view these individuals. We will have the opportunity to discuss best practices and effective techniques to succeed in these cases and provide law students a powerful opportunity to advocate for a better future where we do not condemn people to die in prison.
Session Speakers
The University of Richmond School of Law
Concurrent Session Speaker

The University of Richmond School of Law
Concurrent Session Speaker

Session Fees

Fees information is not available at this time.