--Click here for the full program schedule--
Why Attend?
As the country faces record-high unemployment and an economic recession, there is a critical and most urgent need for lawyers to be engaged in promoting access to justice. Throughout our law schools, programs have sought to inspire students to engage in pro bono and public interest work through a variety of program models. While this activity and emphasis has been on the rise, educators, the bar and the bench grapple with best practices to engender a lifelong commitment to pro bono.
The Workshop on Pro Bono and Public Service will raise critical questions regarding the ways in which we approach pro bono in legal education and will provide participants with specific models and approaches to making pro bono a central part of the campus culture. Attendees will have the opportunity to explore how to develop realistic pro bono practices, evaluating different program models and goals. In addition, participants will hear from faculty who have made pro bono a central part of their curriculum in doctrinal courses, seminars and workshops, going beyond the traditional model of pro bono through clinical and externships only.
The workshop will also explore the ways in which to leverage the relationships between the administration, faculty, students and alumni to encourage pro bono engagement.
-Click here to View Workshop Proposals-