Section on Legal Writing, Reasoning, and Research
Date Chartered: 1/1/1974 Section Member Login Section OfficersChair | Rachel Stabler, Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law Phone: (480) 965-7435 E-mail: rachel.stabler@asu.edu
| Chair-Elect | Abigail A. Patthoff, Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law Phone: (714) 628-2545 E-mail: patthoff@chapman.edu
| Secretary | Maria Termini, Brooklyn Law School Phone: (718) 780-0398 E-mail: maria.termini@brooklaw.edu
| Executive Committee | Erin A. Donelon, Tulane University Law School Phone: (504) 865-5921 E-mail: edonelon@tulane.edu
Gregory A. Johnson, Vermont Law and Graduate School Phone: (802) 831-1284 E-mail: gjohnson@vermontlaw.edu
Sylvia Lett, The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law Phone: (520) 360-3080 E-mail: slett@arizona.edu
Hilary Stirman Reed, University of Houston Law Center Phone: (713) 743-6778 E-mail: hsreed@central.uh.edu