Section on Constitutional Law
Date Chartered: 1/1/1973 Section Member Login Section OfficersChair | Franciska A. Coleman, University of Wisconsin Law School Phone: (608) 265-6266 E-mail: facoleman@wisc.edu
| Chair-Elect | Richard Albert, The University of Texas School of Law Phone: (617) 756-2622 E-mail: richard.albert@law.utexas.edu
| Secretary | Eugene D. Mazo, Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University Phone: (412) 396-5012 E-mail: mazo@duq.edu
| Executive Committee | Stephanie Barclay, Georgetown University Law Center Phone: (202) 821-9746 E-mail: shb68@georgetown.edu
David B. Cruz, University of Southern California Gould School of Law Phone: (213) 740-2551 E-mail: dcruz@law.usc.edu
Dr. Gaurav Alex Sinha, Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University Phone: (516) 463-5889 E-mail: Alex.Sinha@hofstra.edu
Lee J. Strang, The Ohio State University, Michael E. Moritz College of Law Phone: (419) 530-2877 E-mail: strang.69@osu.edu
Danielle Wingfield, The University of Richmond School of Law Phone: (804) 655-8834 E-mail: danielle.wingfield@richmond.edu
Rebecca E. Zietlow, University of Toledo College of Law Phone: (419) 530-2379 E-mail: rebecca.zietlow@utoledo.edu