Section on Alternative Dispute Resolution
Date Chartered: 5/31/1983 Section Member Login Section OfficersChair | Kristen M Blankley, University of Nebraska College of Law Phone: (402) 472-5345 E-mail: kblankley2@unl.edu
| Chair-Elect | Ms. Katrina June Lee, Esq., The Ohio State University, Michael E. Moritz College of Law Phone: (614) 292-3201 E-mail: lee.8755@osu.edu
| Executive Committee | Ronald G. Aronovsky, Southwestern Law School Phone: (213) 738-6839 E-mail: raronovsky@swlaw.edu
Rishi R. Batra, St. Mary's University School of Law Phone: (210) 431-2127 E-mail: rbatra@stmarytx.edu
Alyson Carrel, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law Phone: (312) 503-4263 E-mail: a-carrel@law.northwestern.edu
Deborah T Eisenberg, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law Phone: (410) 706-5995 E-mail: deisenberg@law.umaryland.edu
Guillermo Garcia-Sanchez, Texas A&M University School of Law Phone: (817) 212-3966 E-mail: ggarciasanchez@tamu.edu
Michael L. Moffitt, University of Oregon School of Law Phone: (541) 513-1222 E-mail: mmoffitt@law.uoregon.edu
Lydia Nussbaum, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law Phone: (702) 895-2454 E-mail: lydia.nussbaum@unlv.edu
Sharon B. Press, Mitchell Hamline School of Law Phone: (651) 290-6436 E-mail: sharon.press@mitchellhamline.edu
Andrea K. Schneider, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Phone: (414) 975-5373 E-mail: andrea.schneider@yu.edu