Section on Law in the Americas
Date Chartered: 8/1/1983 Section Member Login Section OfficersChair-Elect | John B. Thornton, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law Phone: (312) 503-7606 E-mail: j-thornton@law.northwestern.edu
| Secretary | Nicholas Bryner, Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law Center Phone: (225) 578-5292 E-mail: bryner@lsu.edu
| Treasurer | Fernando Villarreal-Gonda, Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey Phone: 528180482502 E-mail: fvgonda@fldm.edu.mx
| Executive Committee | Reem Bahdi, University of Windsor E-mail: rbahdi@uwindsor.ca
Cara Cunningham Warren, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law Phone: (313) 596-0200 E-mail: cunnincl@udmercy.edu
William V. Dunlap, Quinnipiac University School of Law Phone: (203) 980-5291 E-mail: william.dunlap@quinnipiac.edu
Giovanna E. Gismondi, The George Washington University Law School Phone: (704) 593-9503 E-mail: giovanna.gismondi@law.gwu.edu
Sheila N. Hayre, Quinnipiac University School of Law E-mail: sheila.hayre@quinnipiac.edu
Rebecca Pendleton, Boston University School of Law Phone: (617) 358-1583 E-mail: rlpendle@bu.edu
Mark E. Wojcik, University of Illinois Chicago School of Law Phone: (312) 987-2391 E-mail: mwojcik@uic.edu