Section on Balance & Well-Being in Legal Education
Date Chartered: 5/22/2007
Section Member Login Section OfficersChair | Shailini J. George, Suffolk University Law School Phone: (617) 573-8074 E-mail: sgeorge@suffolk.edu
| Chair-Elect | Michael Murphy, Duke University School of Law Phone: (248) 980-3285 E-mail: murphy@law.duke.edu
| Secretary | Kendall L. Kerew, Georgia State University College of Law Phone: (404) 413-9153 E-mail: kkerew@gsu.edu
| Executive Committee | R. Lisle Baker, Suffolk University Law School Phone: (617) 573-8186 E-mail: lbaker@suffolk.edu
Danielle Bifulci Kocal Phone: (914) 422-4108 E-mail: dkocal@law.pace.edu
Heidi K. Brown, New York Law School Phone: (212) 431-2826 E-mail: heidi.brown@nyls.edu
Daniel Canon, University of Louisville, Louis D. Brandeis School of Law Phone: (502) 852-6378 E-mail: daniel.canon@louisville.edu
Christine Anne Daniels, University of Miami School of Law Phone: (305) 284-3135 E-mail: christieanne11@gmail.com
Jenipher Jones, University of Denver Sturm College of Law E-mail: JJONES@LAW.DU.EDU
Kendall L. Kerew, Georgia State University College of Law Phone: (404) 413-9153 E-mail: kkerew@gsu.edu
Paula Manning, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law Phone: (313) 596-9445 E-mail: manningpj@udmercy.edu
Laurel A. Rigertas, Northern Illinois University College of Law Phone: (815) 753-1680 E-mail: lrigertas@niu.edu
Amanda Rivas, St. Mary's University School of Law Phone: (210) 431-5712 E-mail: arivas@stmarytx.edu
Ann M. Sinsheimer, University of Pittsburgh School of Law Phone: (412) 648-1281 E-mail: ans24@pitt.edu
Lynn Su, New York Law School Phone: (212) 431-2396 E-mail: lynn.su@nyls.edu
Sandy Tarrant, Boston College Law School Phone: (617) 552-0201 E-mail: tarrants@bc.edu
Alicia Virani, University of California, Los Angeles School of Law Phone: (310) 825-5216 E-mail: virani@law.ucla.edu