Section on Law and Anthropology
Date Chartered: 5/31/1995 Section Member Login Section OfficersChair | Jeffrey Omari, Gonzaga University School of Law Phone: (708) 770-9597 E-mail: omari@gonzaga.edu
| Chair-Elect | Pilar Margarita Hernández Escontrías, Seattle University School of Law Phone: (206) 398-4134 E-mail: pescontrias@seattleu.edu
| Executive Committee | Julia Belian, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law Phone: 313-596-0225 E-mail: belianju@udmercy.edu
Mary D. M. Fan, University of Washington School of Law Phone: (206) 685-4971 E-mail: mdfan@uw.edu
Mark E. Wojcik, University of Illinois Chicago School of Law Phone: (312) 987-2391 E-mail: mwojcik@uic.edu