Section on Pre-Law Education and Admission to Law School
Date Chartered: 1/1/1973 Section Member Login Section OfficersChair | Valerie D. James, Penn State Dickinson Law Phone: (814) 867-1261 E-mail: vdj5027@psu.edu
| Chair-Elect | Ella Mae Estrada, New York Law School Phone: (212) 431-2888 E-mail: ellamae.estrada@nyls.edu
| Newsletter Editor | Liam Gillen, University of California, Irvine School of Law E-mail: lgillen@law.uci.edu
| Secretary | Kate Vieira, Roger Williams University School of Law Phone: (401) 254-4511 E-mail: kvieira@rwu.edu
| Executive Committee | Amy Best, Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law Phone: (480) 965-6181 E-mail: amy.best@asu.edu
Anthony J. Ervin, University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law Phone: (202) 274-7341 E-mail: anthony.ervin@udc.edu
Liam Gillen, University of California, Irvine School of Law E-mail: lgillen@law.uci.edu
Megan Henson, The University of Tulsa College of Law Phone: (918) 631-3124 E-mail: megan-henson@utulsa.edu
Mark Hill, Duke University School of Law Phone: (919) 613-7006 E-mail: mhill@law.duke.edu
Amy Mangione, The University of Richmond School of Law E-mail: amy.mangione@richmond.edu
Jason Owen, University of Utah, S. J. Quinney College of Law Phone: (801) 581-6563 E-mail: jason.owen@law.utah.edu