
2023 Conference on Clinical Legal Education

Date: April 27 — 30, 2023
Location: Hilton San Francisco Union Square

Hit 'Ctrl F' to search for a specific speaker. You can click the name of each session for description and more information. Speakers will be listed for each session they are speaking in.


Heather R. Abraham (University at Buffalo School of Law, The State University of New York)
Session: Membership, Outreach, and Training (MOT) Committee Meeting

Mariana Acevedo Nuevo (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Session: Clinicians of Color Workshop

Christopher Adams (City University of New York School of Law)
Sarah Eads Adkins (University of Cincinnati College of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Walter Edward Afield (Georgia State University College of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 16: Workers

Ashot Agaian (USAID Justice for All Activity Ukraine)
Ashot Agaian (USAID Justice for All Activity Ukraine)
Naz Ahmad (City University of New York School of Law)
Patricia Alejandro (Harvard Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Alena M. Allen (Association of American Law Schools)
Alena M. Allen (Association of American Law Schools)
Session: Conference Welcome and Introduction

Ty Alper (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Roni Amit (University of Massachusetts School of Law - Dartmouth)
Session: Works in Progress Group 11: Refugee and Asylum Law

Claudia Angelos (New York University School of Law)
Session: Unholy Alliances of Bar Examiners and Clinicians: Perils & Reasons for Hope

Nermeen Arastu (City University of New York School of Law)
Session: Leveraging Empirical Analysis in Advocacy and Scholarship

Nermeen Arastu (City University of New York School of Law)
Deborah N. Archer (New York University School of Law)
Session: Excavating Hope Through Clinical Teaching and Substantive Practice

Sabrineh Ardalan (Harvard Law School)
Session: AALS Section on Clinical Legal Education Works in Progress

Lauren Aronson (University of Illinois College of Law)
Session: Navigating the Complexities of the Clinical Teaching Market

Sameer M. Ashar (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Michelle Assad (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: Tackling Thorny and Common Supervision Issues

Wendy A. Bach (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Session: Leveraging Empirical Analysis in Advocacy and Scholarship

Wendy A. Bach (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Session: Writing Books as a Revolt Against Injustice

Cheryl G. Bader (Fordham University School of Law)
Lindsay Bailey (Georgetown University Law Center)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Lindsay Bailey (Georgetown University Law Center)
Session: Works in Progress Group 10: Environmental Justice

Jeffrey R. Baker (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Jeffrey R. Baker (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Jeffrey R. Baker (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Jeffrey R. Baker (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Prithika Balakrishnan (University of California College of the Law, San Francisco)
Session: Works in Progress Group 3: Pretrial Detention and Bail Release

Prithika Balakrishnan (University of California College of the Law, San Francisco)
Greg Baltz (Rutgers Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 14: Immigration and Organizing

Kathryn Banks (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Cecily V. Banks (Boston University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Cecily V. Banks (Boston University School of Law)
Laurie A. Barron (Roger Williams University School of Law)
Lauren E. Bartlett (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 19: Criminal Law

Priya Baskaran (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: Clinicians of Color Workshop

Amber Baylor (Columbia Law School)
Session: Clinicians of Color Workshop

Amber Baylor (Columbia Law School)
Session: Teaching Healing Justice

Hayat Bearat (Albany Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Valena E. Beety (Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law)
Session: Writing Books as a Revolt Against Injustice

Megan Bess (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Megan Bess (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
Svitlana Bevz (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute School of Law;)
Svitlana Bevz (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute School of Law;)
Diana Blank (University of Connecticut School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 14: Immigration and Organizing

Lisa R. Bliss (Georgia State University College of Law)
Matthew Boaz (Washington and Lee University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Sarah R. Boonin (Suffolk University Law School)
Colleen Boraca (Northern Illinois University College of Law)
Session: Lawyering in Crisis: The Emerging Homelessness Clinic

Daniel Bousquet (The George Washington University Law School)
Session: Supporting Teaching Fellows and Junior Clinicians

Larisa G. Bowman (University of Iowa College of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 8: Housing Court and Evictions

Larisa G. Bowman (University of Iowa College of Law)
Melissa C. Brown (University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Norrinda Brown Hayat (Fordham University School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 13: Racial Injustice and States of Emergency

Norrinda Brown Hayat (Fordham University School of Law)
Session: Decolonizing Rounds

Norrinda Brown Hayat (Fordham University School of Law)
Session: Plenary: Teaching Radical Hope

Andrew Budzinski (University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law)
J. Anna Cabot (American University, Washington College of Law)
J. Anna Cabot (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Carmia N. Caesar (The George Washington University Law School)
A. Rachel Camp (Georgetown University Law Center)
Stephanie Campos Bui (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Yael Cannon (Georgetown University Law Center)
Eduardo R. Capulong (City University of New York School of Law)
Session: The Importance of Being Earnestly Asian and American: Does It Matter?

Anna E. Carpenter (University of Utah, S. J. Quinney College of Law)
Session: Leveraging Empirical Analysis in Advocacy and Scholarship

Timothy M. Casey (California Western School of Law)
Gillian Chadwick (Washburn University School of Law)
Session: Teaching Executive Function as a Lawyering Skill in a Neurodiverse World

Linus Chan (University of Minnesota Law School)
Session: Using Law Students to Expand Pro Se Access

Jia Min Cheng (Disability Rights California)
Jacob Chin (Harvard Law School)
Natalie M. Chin (City University of New York School of Law)
Natalie M. Chin (City University of New York School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 20: Autonomy and Self-Determination

Debra Chopp (The University of Michigan Law School)
Session: Teaching Upstream Lawyering

Holly L. Christian (University of Detroit Mercy School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Christine N. Cimini (University of Washington School of Law)
Christine N. Cimini (University of Washington School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 8: Housing Court and Evictions

Bradford Colbert (Mitchell Hamline School of Law)
Elizabeth Cole (The University of Michigan Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 12: What the Court Record Shows and Doesn’t Show

Jenny-Brooke Condon (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Session: AALS Section on Clinical Legal Education Works in Progress

Tanya Asim Cooper (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Elizabeth B. Cooper (Fordham University School of Law)
Session: Hope as a Discipline: The Role of Legislative Clinics and Projects

Denisse Cordova Montes (University of Miami School of Law)
Session: Creative Multimedia Advocacy in Clinical Legal Education

Angela B. Cornell (Cornell Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Angela B. Cornell (Cornell Law School)
Session: The WPA Murals of Workers and S.F. History

Antonio Coronado (Georgetown University Law Center)
Session: Works in Progress Group 13: Racial Injustice and States of Emergency

Antonio Coronado (Georgetown University Law Center)
Sara Cressey (University of Maine School of Law)
Session: Looking Within: Exploring Inter-Clinic Collaborations

Patience A. Crowder (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Patience A. Crowder (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Session: Teaching Critical & Liberatory Advocacy Practices

Sherley Cruz (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Sherley Cruz (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Session: Clinicians of Color Workshop

Sherley Cruz (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Session: Building a Praxis of Hope as Resistance & Wellness

Ericka Curran (University of Dayton School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Julie Dahlstrom (Boston University School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 16: Workers

Lolita Darden (The George Washington University Law School)
Alina Das (New York University School of Law)
Edward W. De Barbieri (Albany Law School)
Session: Bellow Scholars Program Report on Projects

Edward W. De Barbieri (Albany Law School)
Christopher Dearborn (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 19: Criminal Law

Zach DeMeola (Law School Admission Council)
Kathleen Devlin Joyce (Boston University School of Law)
Session: Show Me the $: Reasons, Data & Strategies to Enact Paid Externships

Carolyn Dickens (University of Illinois Chicago College of Nursing)
Melodi Dincer (New York University School of Law)
Robert D. Dinerstein (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: Clinical Transitions: Continuity and Generational Change

Robert D. Dinerstein (American University, Washington College of Law)
Ashley R. Dobbs (The University of Richmond School of Law)
Session: Snatching Hope & Creativity from the Jaws of a Pandemic

Ashley R. Dobbs (The University of Richmond School of Law)
Area of Expertise: Session: Seeing Problems as Opportunities: How to Solve Problems for Hopeful Clients

Margaret Drew (University of Massachusetts School of Law - Dartmouth)
Yelena Duterte (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Gillian Dutton (Seattle University School of Law)
Session: Creating Hope from Within: The Power of Reflection

Jocelyn L. Dyer (The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law)
Kathryn K. Dyer (The University of Texas School of Law)
Session: Growth through Grief: Processing Loss in Clinic

Holly R Eaton (The George Washington University Law School)
Session: Supporting Teaching Fellows and Junior Clinicians

Tia Ebarb Matt (Oklahoma City University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Mira Edmonds (The University of Michigan Law School)
Daniel J. Ellman (Wayne State University Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Daniel J. Ellman (Wayne State University Law School)
Session: Poster Presentation: Practicing Hope: Building A Home in the Eviction Storm

Daniel J. Ellman (Wayne State University Law School)
Deborah Epstein (Georgetown University Law Center)
Meredith Esser (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 18: Criminal Law Alternatives

Meredith Esser (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Session: Gentle Yoga Practice

Meredith Esser (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Session: Gentle Yoga Practice

Katherine Evans (Duke University School of Law)
Session: Using Law Students to Expand Pro Se Access

Michelle Y. Ewert (Washburn University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Michelle Y. Ewert (Washburn University School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 9: Punishment and Eighth Amendment

Tamar Ezer (University of Miami School of Law)
Session: Creative Multimedia Advocacy in Clinical Legal Education

Casey Faucon (University of Alabama School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Casey Faucon (University of Alabama School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 17: Education and Higher Education

Susan Felstiner (Lewis and Clark Law School)
Susan Felstiner (Lewis and Clark Law School)
Susan Felstiner (Lewis and Clark Law School)
Session: Teaching Trauma-Informed Lawyering in a Transactional Practice

Eduardo Ferrer (Georgetown University Law Center)
Session: Centering the Client: A Framework for Advocacy in a Post-Ferguson World

Davida Finger (Loyola University New Orleans College of Law)
Davida Finger (Loyola University New Orleans College of Law)
Daria Fisher Page (University of Iowa College of Law)
Session: Creative Multimedia Advocacy in Clinical Legal Education

Niya Fonville Swint (Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law)
Elizabeth Ford (Seattle University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Charity Fort (Georgetown University Law Center)
Sally B. Frank (Drake University Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Richard H. Frankel (Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law)
Richard H. Frankel (Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law)
Richard H. Frankel (Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Carolyn Frazier (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Carolyn Frazier (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Allison Freedman (University of New Mexico School of Law)
Aya Fujimura-Fanselow (Duke University School of Law)
Session: Creative Multimedia Advocacy in Clinical Legal Education

Jessica Gadea Hawkins (Lincoln Alexander School of Law at Toronto Metropolitan University)
Session: Teaching Healing Justice

Daniel Gandert (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Daniel Gandert (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Nira Geevargis (University of California College of the Law, San Francisco)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Nira Geevargis (University of California College of the Law, San Francisco)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Nira Geevargis (University of California College of the Law, San Francisco)
Session: Show Me the $: Reasons, Data & Strategies to Enact Paid Externships

Nira Geevargis (University of California College of the Law, San Francisco)
Rachel Gerson (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Sarah L. Gerwig (Mercer University School of Law)
Session: Guided Meditation

Sarah L. Gerwig (Mercer University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Sarah L. Gerwig (Mercer University School of Law)
Session: Guided Meditation

Sarah L. Gerwig (Mercer University School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 3: Pretrial Detention and Bail Release

Jeffrey M. Giddings (Monash University)
Michele Estrin Gilman (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Session: Scholarship Support Workshop

Michele Estrin Gilman (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Denise L. Gilman (The University of Texas School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 11: Refugee and Asylum Law

Stephanie K. Glaberson (Georgetown University Law Center)
Erin Gleason Alvarez (Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Nicole Godfrey (Michigan State University College of Law)
Miriam Gohara (Yale Law School)
Session: Excavating Hope Through Clinical Teaching and Substantive Practice

Sara Gold (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Session: Looking Within: Exploring Inter-Clinic Collaborations

Allyson E. Gold (Wake Forest University School of Law)
Session: Leveraging Empirical Analysis in Advocacy and Scholarship

Stephanie Goldenhersh (Harvard Law School)
Mindy Goldstein (Emory University School of Law)
Valeria Gomez (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Valeria Gomez (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Leigh Goodmark (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Session: Writing Books as a Revolt Against Injustice

Anne Gordon (Duke University School of Law)
Session: Teaching Professional Identity Formation through Life Design

Christine Gottlieb (New York University School of Law)
Area of Expertise: Session: Learning on the Frontlines: Partnering with Community Activists to Challenge Family Policing

Sarah Gottlieb (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 2: Prosecutors

Megan Graham (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Ashley Grant (Suffolk University Law School)
Ashley Grant (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Llezlie L. Green (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: #citeblackclinicians

Llezlie L. Green (American University, Washington College of Law)
Michelle Greenberg-Kobrin (Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law)
Session: Transactional Committee

Michelle Greenberg-Kobrin (Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law)
Anastacia Greene (University of Arkansas at Little Rock, William H. Bowen School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Rebecca Greening (Harvard Law School)
Toby Guerin (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Session: Looking Within: Exploring Inter-Clinic Collaborations

Toby Guerin (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Alison Guernsey (University of Iowa College of Law)
Alison Guernsey (University of Iowa College of Law)
Session: Creative Multimedia Advocacy in Clinical Legal Education

Vivianne Guevara (Federal Defenders of New York)
Session: Teaching Healing Justice

Hemanth C. Gundavaram (Northeastern University School of Law)
Anjum Gupta (Rutgers Law School)
Session: Decolonizing Rounds

Drake Hagner (The George Washington University Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Drake Hagner (The George Washington University Law School)
Drake Hagner (The George Washington University Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 16: Workers

Lula A. Hagos (The George Washington University Law School)
Lula A. Hagos (The George Washington University Law School)
Session: Centering the Client: A Framework for Advocacy in a Post-Ferguson World

Lula A. Hagos (The George Washington University Law School)
Amy E. Halbrook (Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Elaine Hall (Northumbria University School of Law)
Jonny Hall (Northumbria University School of Law)
Samir Hanna (Harvard Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Kelly L. Haragan (The University of Texas School of Law)
Lindsay M. Harris (University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Lindsay M. Harris (University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law)
Session: The Parenting Professor Penalty: The Costs to being a Parent in Legal Academia

Lindsay M. Harris (University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Michael Harris (Vermont Law and Graduate School)
Kayleen Hartman (Kids in Need of Defense)
Session: Partnering with Nonprofit Organizations and Law Firms to Address Urgent Needs

Renee Hatcher (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
Session: Decolonizing Rounds

Laurie Hauber (University of Oregon School of Law)
Laurie Hauber (University of Oregon School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Kim Hawkins (New York Law School)
Christopher C. Hawthorne (Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)
Christopher C. Hawthorne (Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Melina Healey (Touro University Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center)
Session: Looking Within: Exploring Inter-Clinic Collaborations

Mackenzie Heinrichs (University of Minnesota Law School)
Carrie L. Hempel (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Carrie L. Hempel (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Session: Conference Welcome and Introduction

Kristin Henning (Georgetown University Law Center)
Session: Writing Books as a Revolt Against Injustice

Julia Hernandez (City University of New York School of Law)
Julian Hill (Georgia State University College of Law)
Session: Clinicians of Color Workshop

Julian Hill (Georgia State University College of Law)
Julian Hill (Georgia State University College of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Mariam Hinds (American University, Washington College of Law)
Mariam Hinds (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: Growth through Grief: Processing Loss in Clinic

Mariam Hinds (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 19: Criminal Law

Laila L Hlass (Tulane University Law School)
Session: The Parenting Professor Penalty: The Costs to being a Parent in Legal Academia

Kathy H. Ho (Stanford Law School)
Ron S. Hochbaum (University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law)
Session: Lawyering in Crisis: The Emerging Homelessness Clinic

Ron S. Hochbaum (University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law)
Area of Expertise: Session: Works in Progress Group 2: Prosecutors

Paul M Holland (Seattle University School of Law)

Paul M Holland (Seattle University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Paul M Holland (Seattle University School of Law)
Paul M Holland (Seattle University School of Law)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Joan W. Howarth (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law)
Session: Unholy Alliances of Bar Examiners and Clinicians: Perils & Reasons for Hope

Min Jian Huang (Wayne State University Law School)
Session: Interdisciplinary Clinics: Ideas and Current Practices

Elizabeth J. Hubertz (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Elizabeth J. Hubertz (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Carmen V. Huertas-Noble (City University of New York School of Law)
D'lorah L. Hughes (University of Kentucky, J. David Rosenberg College of Law)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

D'lorah L. Hughes (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Session: The Clinical Porch: A Moth-Inspired Storytelling Session

Tarek Z. Ismail (City University of New York School of Law)
Carol L. Izumi (University of California College of the Law, San Francisco)
Session: The Importance of Being Earnestly Asian and American: Does It Matter?

Becky L. Jacobs (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Ted Janowsky (California Western School of Law)
Conrad Johnson (Columbia Law School)
Session: Clinical Transitions: Continuity and Generational Change

Vida Johnson (Georgetown University Law Center)
Area of Expertise: Session: Works in Progress Group 2: Prosecutors

Vida Johnson (Georgetown University Law Center)
Lucy Johnston-Walsh (Penn State Dickinson Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Lucy Johnston-Walsh (Penn State Dickinson Law)
Session: Poster Presentation: Expanding Client Representation to Improve Life Outcomes

Susan R. Jones (The George Washington University Law School)
Session: Teaching Trauma-Informed Lawyering in a Transactional Practice

Peter Joy (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Gabriela Kahrl (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Lillian Kang (Georgetown University Law Center)
Robin D.G. Kelley
Session: Plenary: Teaching Radical Hope

Jaclyn Kelley-Widmer (Cornell Law School)
Session: Resiliency Workshop for Vicarious Trauma & Burnout

Kendall L. Kerew (Georgia State University College of Law)
Session: Creating Hope from Within: The Power of Reflection

Kendall L. Kerew (Georgia State University College of Law)
Jonathan Kerr (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 18: Criminal Law Alternatives

Jenny Kim (Duke University School of Law)
Session: Using Law Students to Expand Pro Se Access

Amy Kimpel (University of Alabama School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Amy Kimpel (University of Alabama School of Law)
JD King (Washington and Lee University School of Law)
Andrew J. King-Ries (Alexander Blewett III School of Law at the University of Montana)
Catherine F. Klein (The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law)
Allison Korn (Duke University School of Law)
Session: Growth through Grief: Processing Loss in Clinic

Stefan H. Krieger (Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Gowri J. Krishna (New York Law School)
Session: Clinicians of Color Workshop

Gowri J. Krishna (New York Law School)
Katie Kronick
Session: Centering the Client: A Framework for Advocacy in a Post-Ferguson World

Brian K Krumm (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Session: Snatching Hope & Creativity from the Jaws of a Pandemic

Brian K Krumm (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Session: Seeing Problems as Opportunities: How to Solve Problems for Hopeful Clients

Katherine R. Kruse (Mitchell Hamline School of Law)
Session: Unholy Alliances of Bar Examiners and Clinicians: Perils & Reasons for Hope

Robert R. Kuehn (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Session: Strengthening Our Community Through Shared Knowledge

Annie Lai (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Annie Lai (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Session: Teaching Healing Justice

Annie Lai (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Neha Lall (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Session: Show Me the $: Reasons, Data & Strategies to Enact Paid Externships

Neha Lall (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Session: Bellow Scholars Program Report on Projects

Robert Edward Lancaster (Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law Center)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Robert Edward Lancaster (Louisiana State University, Paul M. Hebert Law Center)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Jamie Langowski (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Jamie Langowski (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: Poster Presentation: JEDI Pedagogy at a Glance

Carolyn Young Larmore (Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law)
Carolyn Young Larmore (Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Carolyn Young Larmore (Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Christopher Lau (Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law)
Session: Growth through Grief: Processing Loss in Clinic

Eloise Lawrence (Harvard Law School)
Jennifer Lee (Temple University, James E. Beasley School of Law)
Session: Teaching Critical & Liberatory Advocacy Practices

Donna H. Lee (City University of New York School of Law)
Session: Decolonizing Rounds

Donna H. Lee (City University of New York School of Law)
Session: Unholy Alliances of Bar Examiners and Clinicians: Perils & Reasons for Hope

Jaime Alison Lee (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Erika Lee (California Western School of Law)
Session: Looking Within: Exploring Inter-Clinic Collaborations

Jennifer Li (Georgetown University Law Center)
Theodor S. Liebmann (Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University)
Session: Poster Presentation: Ethical Guardrails and the Use of Case Studies

Theodor S. Liebmann (Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Aaron Littman (University of California, Los Angeles School of Law)
Session: Bellow Scholars Program Report on Projects

Daniel Loehr (Yale Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 9: Punishment and Eighth Amendment

Jaclyn Lopez (Stetson University College of Law)
Sarah Lorr (Brooklyn Law School)
Sarah Lorr (Brooklyn Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 4: Family Regulation System

Katie Louras (The University of Michigan Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 4: Family Regulation System

Kevin Lynch (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Beth Lyon (Cornell Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Beth Lyon (Cornell Law School)
Peggy Maisel (Boston University School of Law)
Session: Show Me the $: Reasons, Data & Strategies to Enact Paid Externships

Genevieve Mann (Gonzaga University School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 20: Autonomy and Self-Determination

Genevieve Mann (Gonzaga University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Fatma Marouf (Texas A&M University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Lisa Martin (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Session: Leveraging Empirical Analysis in Advocacy and Scholarship

Lisa Martin (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Session: Op-Ed Writing for Clinics and Clinicians

Lisa Martin (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 5: Intimate Partner Violence and Protection Orders

Serge Martinez (University of New Mexico School of Law)
James Matthews (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

James Matthews (Suffolk University Law School)
Erin McBride (University of Wisconsin Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Hugh B McClean (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 21: Justice & Accountability

Cara McClellan (University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Julie McConnell (The University of Richmond School of Law)
Susan Woods McGraugh (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Karla M. McKanders (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Session: #citeblackclinicians

Karla M. McKanders (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Session: Teaching Critical & Liberatory Advocacy Practices

Joyce McMillan (JMACForFamilies)
Mary Helen McNeal (Syracuse University College of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 6: Law Schools and Legal Education

Mary Helen McNeal (Syracuse University College of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Kayla Meisner (Kentucky Commercialization Ventures)
Fermin M Mendez (Albany Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 15: Transactional Lawyering Advancing Racial Justice

Nazune Menka (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Session: Clinicians of Color Workshop

Nate Mensah (Georgetown University Law Center)
Session: Centering the Client: A Framework for Advocacy in a Post-Ferguson World

Jessica Miles (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 5: Intimate Partner Violence and Protection Orders

Nickole Miller (Drake University Law School)
Session: Resiliency Workshop for Vicarious Trauma & Burnout

Binny Miller (American University, Washington College of Law)
Christina Miller (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 18: Criminal Law Alternatives

Kathryn Miller (Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law)
Session: Growth through Grief: Processing Loss in Clinic

Kathryn Miller (Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 9: Punishment and Eighth Amendment

Jessica Millward (American University, Washington College of Law)
Kate Mitchell (Loyola University Chicago School of Law)
Session: Teaching Upstream Lawyering

Kate Mitchell (Loyola University Chicago School of Law)
Session: Interdisciplinary Clinics: Ideas and Current Practices

Wallace J. Mlyniec (Georgetown University Law Center)
Marissa Montes (Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)
Session: Building a Praxis of Hope as Resistance & Wellness

Alba Morales (New York University School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 19: Criminal Law

Rachel Moran (University of St. Thomas School of Law)
Session: Leveraging Empirical Analysis in Advocacy and Scholarship

Nancy Morawetz (New York University School of Law)
David R. Moss (Wayne State University Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Laura Moy (Georgetown University Law Center)
Olinda Moyd (American University, Washington College of Law)
Morgayne Mulkern (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Morgayne Mulkern (Suffolk University Law School)
Michael Murphy (Duke University School of Law)
Session: Having Fun While Practicing Law: Not Just a Series of Random Words!

JaneAnne Murray (University of Minnesota Law School)
Christopher Muzzo (Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law)
Ruhan S. Nagra (University of Utah, S. J. Quinney College of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 10: Environmental Justice

Prianka Nair (Brooklyn Law School)
Natalie Nanasi (SMU Dedman School of Law)
Session: Navigating the Complexities of the Clinical Teaching Market

Lori A. Nessel (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 14: Immigration and Organizing

Elizabeth Nevins-Saunders (Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Peggy D. Nicholson (Duke University School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Peggy D. Nicholson (Duke University School of Law)
Jeanne Nishimoto (University of California, Los Angeles School of Law)
Session: Lawyering in Crisis: The Emerging Homelessness Clinic

Peter Norman (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Laura Norris (Santa Clara University School of Law)
Session: Seeing Problems as Opportunities: How to Solve Problems for Hopeful Clients

Katherine Norton (Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University)
Katherine Norton (Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Stephanie A. Nye (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Session: Hiring, Training, and Supervising Adjuncts: A Conversation

Uzoamaka E. Nzelibe (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Uzoamaka E. Nzelibe (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Citlalli Ochoa (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 21: Justice & Accountability

Citlalli Ochoa (American University, Washington College of Law)
Renagh O'Leary (University of Wisconsin Law School)
Session: Growth through Grief: Processing Loss in Clinic

Gabriel Pacyniak (University of New Mexico School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Gabriel Pacyniak (University of New Mexico School of Law)
Gabriel Pacyniak (University of New Mexico School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Aadhithi Padmanabhan (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Session: Growth through Grief: Processing Loss in Clinic

Lynnise E. Phillips Pantin (Columbia Law School)
Session: Excavating Hope Through Clinical Teaching and Substantive Practice

Lynnise E. Phillips Pantin (Columbia Law School)
Session: #citeblackclinicians

Liannie G. Parahoo (Ohio Northern University, Pettit College of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Jason Parkin (City University of New York School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 12: What the Court Record Shows and Doesn’t Show

Bernard P. Perlmutter (University of Miami School of Law)
Session: Creative Multimedia Advocacy in Clinical Legal Education

Nataliya Petrova (USAID Justice for All Activity Ukraine)
Michael Pinard (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Session: Excavating Hope Through Clinical Teaching and Substantive Practice

Michele R. Pistone (Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 7: Access to Justice: Non-Attorney Representation

Henna Pithia (University of Southern California Gould School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Henna Pithia (University of Southern California Gould School of Law)
Alicia E. Plerhoples (Georgetown University Law Center)
Alicia E. Plerhoples (Georgetown University Law Center)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Jeffrey J. Pokorak (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: Scholarship Support Workshop

Emily Poor (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Ana Pottratz Acosta (Mitchell Hamline School of Law)
Jenna Prochaska (Loyola University Chicago School of Law)
Session: Teaching Upstream Lawyering

Jennifer S. Prusak (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Session: Snatching Hope & Creativity from the Jaws of a Pandemic

Derecka Purnell
Session: Plenary: Teaching Radical Hope

Monique Quarterman (Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development)
Joy Radice (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Session: Leveraging Empirical Analysis in Advocacy and Scholarship

Claire Raj (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Spencer Rand (Temple University, James E. Beasley School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Spencer Rand (Temple University, James E. Beasley School of Law)
Session: Poster Presentation: Developing Hope in Students by Celebrating Victories

Sophia Rangel (University of Washington School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Sara Rankin (Seattle University School of Law)
Session: Lawyering in Crisis: The Emerging Homelessness Clinic

Dave Rapallo (Georgetown University Law Center)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Margaret E. Reuter (University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law)
Area of Expertise: Session: Strengthening Our Community Through Shared Knowledge

Katherine A Reynolds (Elon University School of Law)
Session: Partnering with Nonprofit Organizations and Law Firms to Address Urgent Needs

Laura Riley (University of Southern California Gould School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Missy Risser (City University of New York School of Law)
Amanda Rivas (St. Mary's University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Amanda Rivas (St. Mary's University School of Law)
Jenny Roberts (American University, Washington College of Law)
Rebecca Robichaud (Wayne State University Law School)
Session: Poster Presentation: Practicing Hope: Building A Home in the Eviction Storm

Rebecca Robichaud (Wayne State University Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Rebecca Robichaud (Wayne State University Law School)
Jessica Rofé (New York University School of Law)
Lauren Rogal (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Session: Teaching Trauma-Informed Lawyering in a Transactional Practice

Amanda Rogers (Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law)
Session: Centering the Client: A Framework for Advocacy in a Post-Ferguson World

Josephine Ross (Howard University School of Law)
Session: Writing Books as a Revolt Against Injustice

Charles Ross (American University, Washington College of Law)
Karon Rowden (Texas A&M University School of Law)
Jennifer Safstrom (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Jennifer Safstrom (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 6: Law Schools and Legal Education

Jennifer Safstrom (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Jennifer Safstrom (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Sarah Sallen (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
Jessica Sanborn (Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Avis L. Sanders (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: Hiring, Training, and Supervising Adjuncts: A Conversation

Amy Sankaran (The University of Michigan Law School)
David Anthony Santacroce (The University of Michigan Law School)
Session: Strengthening Our Community Through Shared Knowledge

Evangeline Sarda (Boston College Law School)
Session: The Importance of Being Earnestly Asian and American: Does It Matter?

Daniel M. Schaffzin (The University of Memphis, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law)
Session: Navigating the Complexities of the Clinical Teaching Market

Anne Schaufele (American University, Washington College of Law)
Susan B. Schechter (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Andrew Scherer (New York Law School)
Alexander Scherr (University of Georgia School of Law)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Erica B. Schommer (St. Mary's University School of Law)
Session: Tackling Thorny and Common Supervision Issues

Mary Catherine Scott (Widener University Commonwealth Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Wendy Seiden (Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 4: Family Regulation System

Marie Sennett (City University of New York School of Law)
Ragini N. Shah (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: Teaching Critical & Liberatory Advocacy Practices

Ragini N. Shah (Suffolk University Law School)
Area of Expertise: Session: The Importance of Being Earnestly Asian and American: Does It Matter?

Sarah M. Shalf (University of Virginia School of Law)
Session: Building Students’ Capacity for Creativity

Sarah M. Shalf (University of Virginia School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Sarah M. Shalf (University of Virginia School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Sarah M. Shalf (University of Virginia School of Law)
Ann C. Shalleck (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: Clinical Transitions: Continuity and Generational Change

Colleen F. Shanahan (Columbia Law School)
Session: Leveraging Empirical Analysis in Advocacy and Scholarship

Deepika Sharma (University of Southern California Gould School of Law)
Seiko Shastri (University of Minnesota Law School)
Session: Using Law Students to Expand Pro Se Access

Anne Sidwell (University of San Francisco School of Law)
Session: Hiring, Training, and Supervising Adjuncts: A Conversation

Anika Singh Lemar (Yale Law School)
Maneka Sinha (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Maneka Sinha (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Session: Bellow Scholars Program Report on Projects

Anita Sinha (American University, Washington College of Law)
Session: Decolonizing Rounds

Dana Sisitsky (California Western School of Law)
Jeff W. Slattery (Texas A&M University School of Law)
Jonathan Smith (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Session: Using Literary Theory in the Clinical Classroom

Nicole Smith Futrell (City University of New York School of Law)
Session: Clinicians of Color Workshop

Kathryn M. Smolinski (Wayne State University Law School)
Session: Interdisciplinary Clinics: Ideas and Current Practices

Vincent M. Southerland (New York University School of Law)
Session: Excavating Hope Through Clinical Teaching and Substantive Practice

Vincent M. Southerland (New York University School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Megan Stanton-Trehan (Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)
Session: Teaching Collaboration Across Clinics and Institutions

Michael J Steinberg (The University of Michigan Law School)
Session: The Clinical Porch: A Moth-Inspired Storytelling Session

Kele Stewart (University of Miami School of Law)
Session: Policy Committee

Kele Stewart (University of Miami School of Law)
Session: Leveraging Empirical Analysis in Advocacy and Scholarship

Kele Stewart (University of Miami School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Jane K. Stoever (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Session: Op-Ed Writing for Clinics and Clinicians

Brett C. Stohs (University of Nebraska College of Law)
Session: Snatching Hope & Creativity from the Jaws of a Pandemic

Brittany M. Stringfellow-Otey (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Brittany M. Stringfellow-Otey (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Brittany M. Stringfellow-Otey (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Session: Lawyering in Crisis: The Emerging Homelessness Clinic

Emily Suski (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 17: Education and Higher Education

Cara Suvall (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Session: Growth through Grief: Processing Loss in Clinic

Carol Suzuki (University of New Mexico School of Law)
Session: The Importance of Being Earnestly Asian and American: Does It Matter?

Maureen A. Sweeney (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Catherine Sweetser (University of California, Los Angeles School of Law)
Session: Lawyering in Crisis: The Emerging Homelessness Clinic

Sandy Tarrant (Boston College Law School)
Session: Teaching Trauma-Informed Lawyering in a Transactional Practice

Mary Kelly Tate (The University of Richmond School of Law)
Kelly S. Terry (University of Arkansas at Little Rock, William H. Bowen School of Law)
Session: Creating Hope from Within: The Power of Reflection

Carlos Teuscher (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: Transactional Committee

Carlos Teuscher (Suffolk University Law School)
Kimberly A. Thomas (The University of Michigan Law School)
Session: Scholarship Committee

Kimberly A. Thomas (The University of Michigan Law School)
Session: AALS Section on Clinical Legal Education Works in Progress

Dana A. Thompson (The University of Michigan Law School)
Session: Clinicians of Color Workshop

Eda (Katie) Katharine Tinto (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Karen L. Tokarz (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Karen L. Tokarz (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Emily C Torstveit Ngara (Georgia State University College of Law)
Willow Tracy (University of Georgia School of Law)
Session: Snatching Hope & Creativity from the Jaws of a Pandemic

Willow Tracy (University of Georgia School of Law)
Session: Seeing Problems as Opportunities: How to Solve Problems for Hopeful Clients

Abigail Trillin (Stanford Law School)
Mariia Tsypiashchuck (The National University of Ostroh Academy)
Mariia Tsypiashchuck (The National University of Ostroh Academy)
Atasi Uppal (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Session: Teaching Collaboration Across Clinics and Institutions

Liliana Vaamonde (Columbia Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Liz Valentin (Suffolk University Law School)
Anna VanCleave (University of Connecticut School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 3: Pretrial Detention and Bail Release

Michael S Vastine (Benjamin L. Crump College of Law at St. Thomas University)
Session: Resiliency Workshop for Vicarious Trauma & Burnout

Julia I. Vazquez (Southwestern Law School)
Session: Building a Praxis of Hope as Resistance & Wellness

Sheila I. Vélez Martínez (University of Pittsburgh School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Kelly Vieira (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: Poster Presentation: JEDI Pedagogy at a Glance

Kelly Vieira (Suffolk University Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Steven M. Virgil (Wake Forest University School of Law)
Robin Walker Sterling (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Robin Walker Sterling (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Rachel Wallace (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Area of Expertise: Session: Clinicians of Color Workshop

Amy Walters (University of Virginia School of Law)
Amy Walters (University of Virginia School of Law)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

(Evan) Darryl Walton (Northeastern University School of Law)
Session: Having Fun While Practicing Law: Not Just a Series of Random Words!

Xiao Wang (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Session: Partnering with Nonprofit Organizations and Law Firms to Address Urgent Needs

Jane Warkentin (Wayne State University Law School)
Session: AALS Reception Featuring Clinical Legal Education Posters

Jane Warkentin (Wayne State University Law School)
Session: Poster Presentation: Practicing Hope: Building A Home in the Eviction Storm

Madalyn K. Wasilczuk (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Session: AALS Section on Clinical Legal Education Works in Progress

Madalyn K. Wasilczuk (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Session: Leveraging Empirical Analysis in Advocacy and Scholarship

Madalyn K. Wasilczuk (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Session: Bellow Scholars Program Report on Projects

Julie K. Waterstone (Southwestern Law School)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Maya K. Watson (Wayne State University Law School)
Session: Works in Progress Group 15: Transactional Lawyering Advancing Racial Justice

Maya K. Watson (Loyola University Chicago School of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Lindsey Webb (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Anita M. Weinberg (Loyola University Chicago School of Law)
Session: Hope as a Discipline: The Role of Legislative Clinics and Projects

Kate Weisburd (The George Washington University Law School)
Anna R. Welch (University of Maine School of Law)
Session: Looking Within: Exploring Inter-Clinic Collaborations

Carwina Weng (Law School Admission Council)
John Whitlow (City University of New York School of Law)
Caroline Wick (American University, Washington College of Law)
Caroline Wick (American University, Washington College of Law)
Amelia Wilson (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Brian Wilson (Boston University School of Law)
Erika K. Wilson (University of North Carolina School of Law)
Session: #citeblackclinicians

Cindy Wilson (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Session: Creating Hope from Within: The Power of Reflection

Sarah H Wolking (University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law)
Leah Wortham (The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law)
Marianna Yang (Harvard Law School)
Emily Yaun (Georgia State University College of Law)
Session: Working Group Discussions

Beth Zilberman (Willamette University College of Law)
Session: Directors Workshop Facilitators

Beth Zilberman (Willamette University College of Law)
Session: AALS Section on Clinical Legal Education Works in Progress

Gregory M. Zlotnick (St. Mary's University School of Law)
Session: Works in Progress Group 7: Access to Justice: Non-Attorney Representation

Sejal Zota (Just Futures Law)
Erica Zunkel (The University of Chicago, The Law School)