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Workshop on Next Generation Issues on Sex, Gender and the Law

Orlando, FL
June 24 - 26, 2015


Why attend?

After more than forty years of formal sex equality under the law, this 2015 workshop involves legal academics who have looked ahead to the future and identify, name, and analyze the next generation of legal issues, challenges, and questions that advocates for substantive gender equality must be prepared to consider.  During this workshop, scholars will present papers and ideas that not only pinpoint and examine future law-related concerns about gender equality but that also provide innovative new approaches to achieving equality for women and those who challenge gender norms in our society.  Particular attention will be given to issues related to gender and employment, violence against women, reproductive rights, women's poverty, and women in legal education. 

The hope is to build on the insights of the participants in the 2011 AALS Workshop on Women Rethinking Equality by exploring new and forward-looking ideas for scholarship, law reform, and advocacy that can bring about gender equality.  An additional expectation is that each session will address the ways in which characteristics other than gender, including race, sexual orientation, immigration status, socioeconomic class, and disability, impact the real lives of people and the movement toward gender equality.  We also anticipate that each session will analyze the institutional strengths and weaknesses of courts, legislatures, and administrative bodies for bringing about change and offer suggestions for legal reforms that can better meet the needs of women and those who challenge gender norms in our society.  The final goal is to provide a rich and supportive atmosphere to foster mentoring and networking among teachers and scholars who are interested in gender equality and the law.