Why Attend l Program l Speakers l Hotel l Videos

Developing Course Materials to Give Context to a Litigation Clinic
Sarah E. Ricks, Rutgers School of Law – Camden

Why Did I Think That?  Critically Examining Assumptions
Dana Malkus, Saint Louis University School of Law

Yes, You Can!:  Course Collaboration for a Richer Learning Experience and Institutional Change
Cynthia Adams, Indiana University, Indianapolis School of Law
Carrie Hagan, Indiana University, Indianapolis School of Law

First U.S.-India International and Comparative Human Rights Practicum
Martin Geer, University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law
Fatma Marouf, University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law

Successful Attorney-Client Communications
Evelyn Haydee Cruz, Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law
Marcy L. Karin, Arizona State University Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law

Legal Scholarship 2.0: Creating Visual Practice Guidesto Help Diagnose Legal Problems
Joanne Gottesman, Rutgers School of Law, Camden

Finding Our Roots, Nesting in the Branches: A Clinical Law and Social Work Partnership in Family Group Conferencing
Lisa Kelly, University of Washington School of Law