Registration Early Bird Deadline Extended to May 14
You can register for the Midyear Meeting by one of the methods below. If you cannot register online, this may indicate that you are not in the AALS database. Before you register by any method, contact your law school dean’s office to have you added to the AALS Law School roster with your position, whether it is tenure, tenure track, contract, visiting, adjunct, or fellow at the law school.
Online Registration Once you have been added to the AALS Law School roster by your dean's office, you can register online. You can pay the registration fee by using American Express, Visa or MasterCard. If you need assistance, contact dltsupport@aals.org.
Registration Form (PDF) Once added to the AALS Law School roster, you can register with this form. The registration form can be faxed if paying by American Express, MasterCard or Visa to (202) 872-1829 or mailed with payment directly to AALS at 1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036.
Please note that payment is necessary for admission to the MidYear Meeting. A confirmation for your paid registration will be e-mailed. If you have not received a confirmation e-mail, call AALS Registration at (202) 296-2355 or e-mail registration@aals.org to verify your registration. If your form with payment has not arrived at AALS by May 29, 2013 it will be necessary for you to register onsite. There is an additional charge of $50.00 to register on-site. AALS accepts cash, personal or school checks, American Express, MasterCard and Visa for on-site payment for the MidYear Meeting.
Refund Policy: The registration fee will be refunded in full for cancellations through April 24; a refund less $50, which covers administrative costs, will be given for cancellations received April 25 through April 30; 50% of the registration fee will be refunded for cancellations received May 1 through May 7; and no refunds will be given after May 7. Contact AALS Registrationat (202) 296-2355 or e-mail registration@aals.org. |