2014 Midyear Meeting Registration
You can register for the conference by one of the methods below.
1) Online Registration Click the "Online Registration" link above to access the online registration website. Once you have been added to the AALS Law School roster by your dean's office, you can register online. You can pay the registration fee by using American Express, Visa or MasterCard. If you cannont register online, contact your law school dean's office to be added to the AALS Law School Roster with your position, whether it is tenure, tenure, contract, visiting, adjunct, or fellow at the law school. If you need assistance, contact dltsupport@aals.org.
2) Fax or mail this form (PDF) Once added to the AALS Law School roster, you can register with this form. The registration form can be faxed if paying by American Express, MasterCard or Visa to (202) 872-1829 or mailed with payment directly to AALS at 1614 20th Street, Northwest, Washington, DC 20009. Please note that payment is necessary for admission to the conference. A confirmation for your paid registration will be e-mailed. If you have not received a confirmation e-mail, call AALS Registration at (202) 296-2355 or e-mail registration@aals.org to verify your registration. |