Jabeen Adawi (University of Pittsburgh School of Law)
Jabeen Adawi (University of Pittsburgh School of Law)
Saba Ahmed (American University, Washington College of Law)
Ty Alper (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Rachel J. Anderson (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law)
Claudia Angelos (New York University School of Law)
Amy Anthony (Harvard Law School)
Nermeen Arastu (City University of New York School of Law)
Nermeen Arastu (City University of New York School of Law)
Sabrineh Ardalan (Harvard Law School)
Sabrineh Ardalan (Harvard Law School)
Sabrineh Ardalan (Harvard Law School)
Lauren Aronson (University of Illinois College of Law)
Sameer M. Ashar (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Brian Atkinson (University of Georgia School of Law)
Maha Ayesh (Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law)
Cheryl G. Bader (Fordham University School of Law)
Jeffrey R. Baker (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Alina Ball (University of California College of the Law, San Francisco)
David Baluarte (City University of New York School of Law)
David Baluarte (City University of New York School of Law)
Cecily V. Banks (Boston University School of Law)
Erin Barbato (University of Wisconsin Law School)
Laurie A. Barron (Roger Williams University School of Law)
Caitlin Barry (Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law)
Caitlin Barry (Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law)
Lauren E. Bartlett (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Lauren E. Bartlett (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Priya Baskaran (American University, Washington College of Law)
Dena Bauman (University of California, Davis, School of Law)
Amber Baylor (Columbia Law School)
Amber Baylor (Columbia Law School)
Amber Baylor (Columbia Law School)
Paul D. Bennett (The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law)
Shira Berkowitz (PROMO)
William Berman (Suffolk University Law School)
Megan Bess (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
Megan Bess (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
Megan Bess (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
James Bhandary-Alexander (Yale Law School)
James Binnall (Savannah Law School)
Lisa R. Bliss (Georgia State University College of Law)
Cary Bloodworth (University of Wisconsin Law School)
Elizabeth S. Bluestein (LMU Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)
Sarah R. Boonin (Suffolk University Law School)
Colleen Boraca (Northern Illinois University College of Law)
Lori Outzs Borgen (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Daniel F. Bousquet (The George Washington University Law School)
Sarah Branch (University of Maine School of Law)
Chante Brantley (SMU Dedman School of Law)
Norrinda Brown (Fordham University School of Law)
Andrew Budzinski (University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law)
Juan P Caballero (University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law)
Juan P Caballero (University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law)
J. Anna Cabot (University of Houston Law Center)
J. Anna Cabot (University of Houston Law Center)
Jason A. Cade (University of Georgia School of Law)
Jason A. Cade (University of Georgia School of Law)
Carmia N. Caesar (The George Washington University Law School)
A. Rachel Camp (Georgetown University Law Center)
Phuong-Uyen Campbell (University of St. Thomas School of Law)
Phuong-Uyen Campbell (University of St. Thomas School of Law)
Eduardo R.C. Capulong (City University of New York School of Law)
Bonnie Carlson (Mercer University School of Law)
Timothy M. Casey (University of California, Los Angeles School of Law)
Jocelyn B. Cazares Willingham (University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law)
Gillian Chadwick (Washburn University School of Law)
Victoria L. Chase (Rutgers Law School)
Aleksandra Chauhan (University of South Carolina School of Law)
José Erick Chávez Marín (Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas)
David Chen (New York University School of Law)
Natalie M. Chin (City University of New York School of Law)
Jacob Chin (Harvard Law School)
Lauren R. Choate (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Lauren R. Choate (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Debra Chopp (The University of Michigan Law School)
Kristy Clairmont (The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law)
Bradford Colbert (Mitchell Hamline School of Law)
Elizabeth Cole (The University of Michigan Law School)
Amanda Cole (Georgia State University College of Law)
Amanda Cole (Georgia State University College of Law)
Anna Cominsky (New York Law School)
Kyle Compton (Duke University School of Law)
Kyle Compton (Duke University School of Law)
Kyle Compton (Duke University School of Law)
Jenny-Brooke Condon (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Carmen Cong (Willow Domestic Violence Center)
Antonio Coronado (Innovation for Justice)
Antonio Coronado (Innovation for Justice)
Julie C. Cortes (University of Akron School of Law )
Sara Cressey (University of Maine School of Law)
Sophie Crispin (University of Wisconsin Law School)
Sophie Crispin (University of Wisconsin Law School)
Courtney Cross (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law)
Courtney Cross (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law)
Patience A. Crowder (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law)
Patience A. Crowder (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law)
Ericka Curran (University of Dayton School of Law)
Cynthia Dahl (University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School)
Julie Dahlstrom (Boston University School of Law)
Julie Dahlstrom (Boston University School of Law)
Julie Dahlstrom (Boston University School of Law)
Nakia C. Davis (North Carolina Central University School of Law)
Edward W. De Barbieri (Albany Law School)
Christopher Dearborn (Suffolk University Law School)
Lauren DesRosiers (Albany Law School)
Kathleen Devlin Joyce (Boston University School of Law)
Shira Diner (Boston University School of Law)
Sarah Dorman (Georgetown University Law Center)
Tyler Dougherty (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Shaw Drake (Stanford Law School)
Margaret Drew (University of Massachusetts School of Law - Dartmouth)
Margaret Drew (University of Massachusetts School of Law - Dartmouth)
Yelena Duterte (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
Gillian Dutton (Seattle University School of Law)
Kathryn K. Dyer (The University of Texas School of Law)
Tia Ebarb Matt (Oklahoma City University School of Law)
Tia Ebarb Matt (Oklahoma City University School of Law)
Jill C. Engle (Penn State Law)
Jill C. Engle (Penn State Law)
Katherine Evans (Duke University School of Law)
Michelle Y. Ewert (Washburn University School of Law)
Rebecca Feldmann (University of Arkansas at Little Rock, William H. Bowen School of Law)
Meghan Marrinan Feliciano (University of St. Thomas School of Law)
Peter Fendel (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Jennifer Fernandez (City University of New York School of Law)
Eduardo R. Ferrer (Georgetown University Law Center)
Eduardo R. Ferrer (Georgetown University Law Center)
Daria Fisher Page (University of Iowa College of Law)
Elana R. Fogel (Duke University School of Law)
Lauren Fontana (Office of Disability, Access & Inclusion, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus)
Elizabeth Ford (Seattle University School of Law)
Kathryn Fort (Michigan State University College of Law)
Eric Franklin Amarante (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Eric Franklin Amarante (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Eric Franklin Amarante (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Carolyn Frazier (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Ann E. Freedman (Rutgers Law School)
Allison Freedman (University of New Mexico School of Law)
Craig B. Futterman (The University of Chicago, The Law School)
Katherine Garvey (West Virginia University College of Law)
Nira Geevargis (University of California College of the Law, San Francisco)
Janel George (Georgetown University Law Center)
Janel George (Georgetown University Law Center)
Tianna Gibbs (University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law)
Brittany L. Glidden (University of California College of the Law, San Francisco)
Allyson E. Gold (Wake Forest University School of Law)
Allyson E. Gold (Wake Forest University School of Law)
Stephanie Goldenhersh (Harvard Law School)
Valeria Gomez (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Valeria Gomez (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Peter W. Goode (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Anne Gordon (Duke University School of Law)
Christine Gottlieb (New York University School of Law)
Christine Gottlieb (New York University School of Law)
Elizabeth M. Grant (University of Georgia School of Law)
Llezlie L. Green (Georgetown University Law Center)
Marsha Griggs (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Salvador Guerrero Navarro (Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de Mexico)
Salvador Guerrero Navarro (Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de Mexico)
Salvador Guerrero Navarro (Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de Mexico)
Hemanth C. Gundavaram (Northeastern University School of Law)
Hemanth C. Gundavaram (Northeastern University School of Law)
Anjum Gupta (Rutgers Law School)
Sachin Gupte (University of Wisconsin Law School)
Frankie Guzman (National Center For Youth Law)
Drake Hagner (The George Washington University Law School)
Drake Hagner (The George Washington University Law School)
Lula A. Hagos (The George Washington University Law School)
Gautam Hans (Cornell Law School)
Gautam Hans (Cornell Law School)
Daniel Harawa (New York University School of Law)
Alexandra Harrington (University at Buffalo School of Law, The State University of New York)
Renee Hatcher (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
Renee Hatcher (University of Illinois Chicago School of Law)
Laurie Hauber (University of Oregon School of Law)
Christine M. Heer (Seton Hall University)
Julia Hernandez (City University of New York School of Law)
Julia Hernandez (City University of New York School of Law)
Mariam Hinds (American University, Washington College of Law)
Ron S. Hochbaum (University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law)
Patricia Hodny (University of North Dakota School of Law)
Lisa Hoppenjans (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Lisa Hoppenjans (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Charisma X. Howell (Georgetown University Law Center)
Elizabeth J. Hubertz (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Zeba A. Huq (Stanford Law School)
Meagan R. Hurley (Mercer University School of Law)
Meagan R. Hurley (Mercer University School of Law)
Tarek Z. Ismail (City University of New York School of Law)
Tarek Z. Ismail (City University of New York School of Law)
Tarek Z. Ismail (City University of New York School of Law)
Gayla Jacobson (City University of New York School of Law)
Cale Jaffe (University of Virginia School of Law)
Cale Jaffe (University of Virginia School of Law)
Emily Johanson (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Margaret E. Johnson (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Vida Johnson (Georgetown University Law Center)
Omolara Joseney (Georgetown University Law Center)
Kelsey Jost-Creegan (Columbia Law School)
Peter Joy (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Maritza Karmely (Suffolk University Law School)
Jake Karr (New York University School of Law)
Sarah Katz (Temple University, James E. Beasley School of Law)
Kendall L. Kerew (Georgia State University College of Law)
Kendall L. Kerew (Georgia State University College of Law)
Kristina Kersey (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Abdul Rehman N Khan (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Melissa L. Kidder (Ohio Northern University, Pettit College of Law)
Jenny Kim (Duke University School of Law)
Amy F. Kimpel (University of Alabama School of Law)
JD King (Rutgers Law School)
Andrew J. King-Ries (Alexander Blewett III School of Law at the University of Montana)
Catherine F. Klein (The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law)
Jay Knight (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Laurie S. Kohn (The George Washington University Law School)
Laurie S. Kohn (The George Washington University Law School)
Praveen Kosuri (University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School)
Gowri J. Krishna (New York Law School)
Katie Kronick (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Katie Kronick (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Katie Kronick (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Katie Kronick (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Katherine R. Kruse (Mitchell Hamline School of Law)
Grace Kube (University of Wisconsin Law School)
Grace Kube (University of Wisconsin Law School)
Robert R. Kuehn (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Tamara Kuennen (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Shweta Kumar (Georgetown University Law Center)
Shweta Kumar (Georgetown University Law Center)
Shweta Kumar (Georgetown University Law Center)
Annie Lai (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Neha Lall (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Neha Lall (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Neha Lall (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Jamie Langowski (Suffolk University Law School)
Carolyn Young Larmore (Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law)
Eloise Lawrence (Harvard Law School)
Thomas Leatherbury (SMU Dedman School of Law)
Thomas Leatherbury (SMU Dedman School of Law)
Jennifer Lee (Temple University, James E. Beasley School of Law)
Jennifer Lee (Temple University, James E. Beasley School of Law)
Jaime Alison Lee (University of Baltimore School of Law)
Donna H. Lee (City University of New York School of Law)
Shawn Leisinger (Washburn University School of Law)
Yanira Lemus (LMU Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)
Tameka Lester (Georgia State University College of Law)
Marcia Levy (University of Maine School of Law)
Ari Lipsitz (Boston University School of Law)
Aaron Littman (University of California, Los Angeles School of Law)
Ryke Longest (Duke University School of Law)
Dana Malkus (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Michael W. Martin (Fordham University School of Law)
Serge Martinez (University of New Mexico School of Law)
Serge Martinez (University of New Mexico School of Law)
Daniel Massoglia (First Defense Legal Aid)
Sarah Matsumoto (University of Colorado Law School)
Sarah Matsumoto (University of Colorado Law School)
James Matthews (Suffolk University Law School)
Allison McCarthy (Drake University Law School)
Matthew McGovern (Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law)
Susan Woods McGraugh (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Deborah J. Merritt (The Ohio State University, Michael E. Moritz College of Law)
Deborah J. Merritt (The Ohio State University, Michael E. Moritz College of Law)
Christina Miller (Suffolk University Law School)
Nickole Miller (Drake University Law School)
Isis Misdary (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Kate Mitchell (Loyola University Chicago School of Law)
Kate Mitchell (Loyola University Chicago School of Law)
Catherine Monro (The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law)
H. Marissa Montes (LMU Loyola Law School, Los Angeles)
Eleanor Morales (Wake Forest University School of Law)
Rachel Moran (University of St. Thomas School of Law)
Perry Moriearty (University of Minnesota Law School)
David R. Moss (Wayne State University Law School)
Michael Murphy (Duke University School of Law)
Ruhan S. Nagra (University of Utah, S. J. Quinney College of Law)
Lori A. Nessel (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Elizabeth Nevins-Saunders (Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University)
Michelle Newton (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Peggy D. Nicholson (Duke University School of Law)
Dawn Nielsen (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law)
Clare R. Norins (University of Georgia School of Law)
Clare R. Norins (University of Georgia School of Law)
Citlalli Ochoa (American University, Washington College of Law)
Georgina Olazcon Mozo (University of Washington School of Law)
Saza Osawa (Michigan State University College of Law)
Gabriel Pacyniak (University of New Mexico School of Law)
Nicolas Palazzo (American University, Washington College of Law)
Liannie G. Parahoo (Ohio Northern University, Pettit College of Law)
Reena Parikh (Boston College Law School)
Jason Parkin (City University of New York School of Law)
Anjli Parrin (The University of Chicago, The Law School)
Talia Peleg (City University of New York School of Law)
Danielle Pelfrey Duryea (Boston University School of Law)
Hallie Pope (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Sarah Purce (Willamette University College of Law)
Joy Radice (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Joy Radice (University of Tennessee College of Law)
Spencer Rand (Temple University, James E. Beasley School of Law)
Dave Rapallo (Georgetown University Law Center)
Jayesh Rathod (American University, Washington College of Law)
Laura Riley (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Laura Riley (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Zaida C. Rivera (Seattle University School of Law)
Chris Roberts (The University of Texas School of Law)
Jenny Roberts (American University, Washington College of Law)
Zaneta Robinson (Wake Forest University School of Law)
Brendan D. Roediger (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Amanda Rogers (Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law)
Jamala Rogers (Organization for Black Struggle)
Charles Ross (American University, Washington College of Law)
Karon Rowden (Texas A&M University School of Law)
Iman Saad (Georgetown University Law Center)
Jennifer Safstrom (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Jennifer Safstrom (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Jennifer Safstrom (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Jennifer Safstrom (Vanderbilt University Law School)
Amy Saji (Georgetown University Law Center)
Susan Salazar (City University of New York School of Law)
Sarah Sallen (The University of Michigan Law School)
La'Tesha Sampson (Seton Hall University)
Amy Sankaran (The University of Michigan Law School)
Wyatt Sassman (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Tomica Burke Saul (Rutgers Law School)
Tomica Burke Saul (Rutgers Law School)
Daniel M. Schaffzin (The University of Memphis, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law)
Scott Schang (Wake Forest University School of Law)
Anne Schaufele (University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law)
Susan B. Schechter (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Susan B. Schechter (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Andrew Scherer (New York Law School)
Christina Scott (Georgia State University College of Law)
Christina Scott (Georgia State University College of Law)
Alice Setrini (Loyola University Chicago School of Law)
Lena Shapiro (University of Illinois College of Law)
Lena Shapiro (University of Illinois College of Law)
Deepika Sharma (University of Southern California Gould School of Law)
Rebecca Sharpless (University of Miami School of Law)
Sarah Sherman-Stokes (Boston University School of Law)
Shanda K. Sibley (Temple University, James E. Beasley School of Law)
Lia Sifuentes Davis (The University of Texas School of Law)
Sandra Simkins (Rutgers Law School)
Maneka Sinha (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Maneka Sinha (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)
Anita Sinha (American University, Washington College of Law)
Katharine Skolnick (New York University School of Law)
Jonathan Smith (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
Nicole Smith Futrell (City University of New York School of Law)
Kathryn M. Smolinski (Wayne State University Law School)
Emma Sokoloff-Rubin (Yale Law School)
Vincent M. Southerland (New York University School of Law)
Vincent M. Southerland (New York University School of Law)
Mary B. Spector (SMU Dedman School of Law)
Elissa C. Steglich (The University of Texas School of Law)
Jane K. Stoever (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Brett C. Stohs (University of Nebraska College of Law)
Brittany M. Stringfellow-Otey (Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law)
Blake Strode (Action St. Louis)
June T. Tai (University of Iowa College of Law)
June T. Tai (University of Iowa College of Law)
June T. Tai (University of Iowa College of Law)
June T. Tai (University of Iowa College of Law)
Glykeria Teji (Seton Hall University School of Law)
Kelly S. Terry (University of Arkansas at Little Rock, William H. Bowen School of Law)
Kellye Y. Testy (Law School Admission Council)
Carlos Teuscher (Suffolk University Law School)
Kimberly A. Thomas (The University of Michigan Law School)
Dana A. Thompson (The University of Michigan Law School)
Dana A. Thompson (The University of Michigan Law School)
Eda (Katie) Katharine Tinto (University of California, Irvine School of Law)
Komal Vaidya (Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law)
Komal Vaidya (Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law)
Liz Valentin (Suffolk University Law School)
Alexa Van Brunt (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Wendy Vaughn (Northern Illinois University College of Law)
Alicia Virani (University of California, Los Angeles School of Law)
Alicia Virani (University of California, Los Angeles School of Law)
Robin Walker Sterling (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Robin Walker Sterling
Megan Walsh (University of Minnesota Law School)
(Evan) Darryl Walton (Northeastern University School of Law)
Jane Warkentin (Wayne State University Law School)
Madalyn K. Wasilczuk (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Madalyn K. Wasilczuk (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Madalyn K. Wasilczuk (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Madalyn K. Wasilczuk (University of South Carolina School of Law)
Maya K. Watson (Wayne State University Law School)
Lindsey Webb (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Lindsey Webb (University of Denver Sturm College of Law)
Daniel C. Weidknecht (Suffolk University| Communication, Journalism and Media Department)
Kate Weisburd (The George Washington University Law School)
Charles D. Weisselberg (University of California, Berkeley School of Law)
Anna R. Welch (University of Maine School of Law)
Carwina Weng (Law School Admission Council)
Caroline Wick (Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law)
Carlton Williams (Cornell Law School)
Jesse Williams (Wake Forest University School of Law)
Andrea R. Willis-Johnson (The George Washington University Law School)
Paige Wilson (The Ohio State University, Michael E. Moritz College of Law)
Cindy Wilson (Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law)
Erika K. Wilson (University of North Carolina School of Law)
Brian Wilson (Boston University School of Law)
Brian Wilson (Boston University School of Law)
Nancy Winfrey (Wake Forest University School of Law)
Nancy Winfrey (Wake Forest University School of Law)
J.L. Wyatt-Keyton (Atlanta's John Marshall Law School)
Mary Yanik (Tulane University Law School)