Sessions Information

  • January 3, 2015
    3:30 pm - 5:15 pm
    Session Type: Section Call for Papers
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
    Room: Maryland Suite B
    Floor: Lobby Level

    The transgendered community faces many unique legal issues. This panel will examine select topics of transgender inequality specific to prisons, the workplace, and academic institutions. First we will view this topic through a historical lens on unequal policing.   Next we will explore the role of lawyers in trans resistance to criminalization and incarceration, including criminal defense, prison litigation, and support of grassroots organizing. In the employment arena, we will consider whether the monumental steps forward in the fight against transgender discrimination – advances that are positive both for transgender workers and sex discrimination law generally – have been enough. Finally, the panel will discuss laws specific to academic institutions that give students a choice to participate in activities and use facilities consistent with their gender identity and whether such laws fail to account for variations of sex differentiation along a spectrum.

    Business meeting at program conclusion.

Session Speakers
Northeastern University School of Law

University of Hawaii, William S. Richardson School of Law
Speaker from a Call for Papers

National Center for Transgender Equality

Stetson University College of Law

Howard University School of Law
Speaker from a Call for Papers

Session Fees
  • 4440 Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues: $0.00