Sessions Information

  • January 9, 2010
    10:30 am - 12:15 pm
    Session Type: AALS Committee Programs
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: N/A
    Room: Versailles Ballroom
    Floor: Third Floor

    Building on the success of the roundtable discussion at the 2009 Annual Meeting, “Using Libraries to Help Transform Legal Education,” this program will offer another opportunity for attendees to engage in a thought-provoking discussion on a topic of critical importance not only to librarians but to all members of the legal academy.


    The increasing “electronification” of today’s law school library—in its resources, certainly, but also in its operation—has implications for law professors pursuing their scholarship, law students pursuing their education, non-law school library users pursuing legal knowledge, and, of course, librarians pursuing their vision of the library as a vital component of the twenty-first century law school. These implications will serve as the overarching theme of the roundtable, with particular attention paid to such topics as:


    ·        The role of electronic publications in the tenure process

    ·        Rewriting ABA standards to allow the substitution of electronic resources for print resources

    ·        AALS’s role in guiding the evolution toward electronification

    ·        Open access in the electronic library world

    ·        Legal citation and electronic publications


    While a few committee members and others will offer brief, initial remarks to jumpstart the conversation, the “audience” will serve as the program’s primary “speakers.” With that in mind, come prepared not only to listen, but also to actively contribute your ideas and experiences to what promises to be an invigorating forum on a compelling topic.

Session Speakers
Southern Illinois University School of Law

Session Fees
  • 6215 Committee on Libraries and Technology Program: $0.00