Sessions Information
May 1, 2021
11:00 am - 11:45 am
Session Type: Concurrent Sessions
Session Capacity: N/A
Location: N/A
Room: N/A
Floor: N/A
Providing legal services in a client’s best language is an essential aspect of lawyering,
especially cross-cultural lawyering. However, interpreter services can be expensive and
drain clinics’ budgets. Students, professors, and clinics around the country have
responded by tapping into natural resources that lie within their institutions – multilingual students. These students serve as interpreters within clinical programs assisting
student lawyers in providing culturally sensitive legal services.
Presenters will speak to the diversity of language interpreter programs across their
institutions. Additionally, they will introduce audience members to best practices in
training non-professional interpreters and teaching student lawyers how to utilize
interpretation services. Audience members will be asked to complete a survey that will
help them reflect on the need for language interpretation in their clinical practices in the
hope that it motivates them to organize language interpreter programs at their own
Goals/Learning Objective
1. Publicize the breadth of student-interpreter programs in clinics across the country.
2. Introduce clinicians to a wide range of models for student-based interpreter programs.
3. Educate clinicians in best practices with respect to training non-professional
4. Prepare clinicians to train student attorneys in using interpretation services.
5. Encourage clinicians to evaluate the need for interpretation services within their
clinics and examine barriers that might exist to their services in the absence of
student-based interpreter programs.
6. Ask clinicians to assess the need for language interpreter programs within their own
7. Engage clinicians in reflection on the value student-based interpreter programs could
add to their service offerings.
Session Speakers
DePaul University College of Law
Concurrent Session Speaker
Rutgers University School of Arts and Sciences
Concurrent Session Speaker
Depaul University College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Concurrent Session Speaker
Rutgers Law School
Concurrent Session Speaker
Concurrent Session Speaker and Coordinator
Cornell Law School
Concurrent Session Speaker
Rutgers University School of Arts and Sciences
Concurrent Session Speaker
Session Fees
- Designing Student-Based Language Interpreter Programs to Ensure Language Accessible Clinics: $0.00