Sessions Information

  • April 29, 2023
    2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
    Session Type: Concurrent Sessions
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: N/A
    Room: Yosemite A
    Floor: Ballroom Level
    Many experiential programs across the country are growing, and law schools are turning to adjuncts to sustain the growth. Experiential faculty are left to figure out how to adapt. Through guided conversations (with pushback!), role play, hypothetical scenarios, and small group discussion, we will provide a forum for participants to learn and discuss the following: Hiring: The process of hiring adjuncts can be complicated. Who hires the adjunct? Who conducts the interview? Who makes the final hiring decision? What should an externship director look for in an adjunct? What questions should be asked of an adjunct in an interview? How should an externship director respond to being left out of the hiring process? Training: What training should adjuncts receive? By whom? How often? In what format? What written materials should adjuncts receive? How can Canvas be utilized to train adjuncts? How much is too much (TLDR!)? What if the adjuncts resist training? Supervising: What is the best approach for the adjunct who does not like to be tied down? How should an externship director respond to the adjunct who does not want to be supervised? Evaluation: Who evaluates the adjunct and on what criteria? How does one approach renewing an adjuncts contract—or not? Empowerment: How does a director run their program while working with the various constituents involved? How can a director educate others at their law school about externships? How can a director use the ABA Standards to their advantage when working with administrators and adjuncts? Best Practices: We’ll review some of our favorite tips including start of the semester memos, end of the semester memos, template syllabi, Canvas resources, lesson plans, etc.
Session Speakers
University of South Carolina School of Law
Concurrent Session Speaker

American University, Washington College of Law
Concurrent Session Speaker

University of San Francisco School of Law
Concurrent Session Speaker

Session Fees

Fees information is not available at this time.