One or more additional presenters will be selected from a call for papers.
Business entities may be created for purposes that do not include, or at least are not limited to, the pursuit of business or profit activities. In such instances, unincorporated business entities may offer advantages over incorporated entities. At the same time, unincorporated entities may create complex issues for the entities’ stakeholders and managers.
Papers to be presented include:
Conflicts, Contracts, Confidentiality, and Causes: How Lawyers Can Satisfy their Ethical Responsibilities To (or As) Unincorporated Social Enterprises (Professor Effross)
Disregarding LLCs Formed for Nonbusiness Purposes (Professor Gevurtz)
Unincorporated and Incorporated Forms of Social Enterprise (Professor Reiser)
The Uncorporation, Regulatory Arbitrage and the Non-Business Business (Professor Ribstein)
Business Meeting at Program Conclusion.