Papers to be published in American Journal of Comparative Law
International law and global governance regimes are increasingly shaping the legal framework within which U.S. cities, states and metropolitan regions are operating. International institutions such as the World Bank are likewise influencing the governance approach of cities in developed countries in an effort to attract foreign investment and to make those cities more equitable, efficient, and sustainable. At the same time, scholars and local policymakers in every part of the world are looking abroad for new ideas, best practices and models to approach urban governance in light of changing fiscal realities and the variety of challenges that accompany increasing rates of urbanization across the world. Sustainable development, adaption to climate change, among other challenges, necessitates that cities and regions be innovative and nimble in their approaches to these issues. Comparative studies of urban governance regimes and policy innovations are important tools in shaping local and regional responses to urban growth, development and sustainability.
The first panel of the session will concern itself with the different legal regimes from which cities derive their power and explore whether international law and institutions add a new layer of governance. How does and should international and comparative law address cities, regions or sub-national governments as new emerging actors in this field?
The second panel will focus on how scholars and policymakers engage in cross-national comparisons to assess different urban governance and planning models. What is the relevance of comparative law in determining what type of economic development agenda is more suitable to a specific geographic environment? How can interdisciplinary tools be utilized to establish some entry points for cross national comparisons? How can learning from other countries’ experiences enrich our understanding of what cities can or should not do?
Business Meeting of Section on State and Local Government Law at Program Conclusion.