This program is designed to give newer administrative law
scholars an opportunity to discuss their work with their more senior colleagues
in an informal environment. The goal is for newer scholars to receive useful
feedback on their work from more established scholars in advance of submitting
the work for publication. Each participating newer scholar will be assigned two
designated reviewers. The reviewers are senior administrative law scholars who
are expected to have read the newer scholar’s paper in advance and be prepared
to discuss it and offer constructive comments during the program. The program
takes place in a round table format. Everyone is welcome to join in the
discussions; brief abstracts are provided. Newer scholars must be full time,
untenured faculty members at AALS member schools who have taught for fewer than
seven years. Papers that have been posted on scholarship networks such as SSRN
but not yet published are eligible for consideration. The works in progress presenters will be announced during the program.