The Trump Administration recently revised the Title IX process
addressing sexual violence on college campuses. These revisions, coupled with a
Sixth Circuit decision finding due process protections lacking in a
university’s Title IX hearing, underscore the importance of ensuring that both
victims and accused receive access to justice following allegations of sexual
violence. Against the backdrop of these and other current events, this panel
considers strategies for rethinking the response from a legal access to justice
perspective. As lawyers and legal academics, this topic is important to us, our
students, institutions, and society as we strive to find balance between the
rights of victims and accused. The voices on this panel offer diverse
viewpoints regarding Title IX’s role in addressing sexual violence. Panelists
will discuss necessary protections for those bringing claims of sexual violence
to ensure fair resolution that causes limited harm to these individuals and
their educational opportunities, and protections for those accused of
perpetrating sexual violence, recognizing that consequences may extend far
beyond the classroom. We challenge attendees to return to their campuses and
respectfully engage one another to find meaningful solutions to an issue that,
thus far, has failed to adequately guarantee access to justice for all.