problem of housing affordability strikes at the heart of the property law. Although
it can be argued that housing affordability is a social problem separate from
the edifice of property law, the choices that are made on everything from
zoning to societal expectations regarding housing quality directly impact the
extent to which individuals and families are either priced out of safe and
decent housing or face mounting housing costs that limit their ability to meet
other basic needs. Especially as demand has shifted back from many suburbs to
urban areas in high growth cities such as San Francisco and Washington, D.C.,
the problem of housing affordability is sure to be the focus of ever more
social, political, and academic attention. The papers presented as part of this
panel will be published by the Fordham Urban Law Journal and cover a range of
topic related to "Property and the Challenge of Housing
Papers from the program will be published in Fordham Urban Law Journal.
The section held a virtual business meeting in advance of
the Annual Meeting.