The post-2011 shift in the job market
and student application pools forced law schools to explore other potential
revenue sources and to examine ways to remain impactful within their
communities. One of these routes includes offering certificate programs for
practicing attorneys desiring specialization, and continuing education courses
for non-lawyers working in a legal field. These new methods of teaching the law
present challenges for busy faculty and administrators, and often require
revamping and compartmentalization of traditional courses. The fact that these
programs can be offered outside of the usual semester timeline, or solely
through web-based services, can be both advantageous and challenging depending
on how your school chooses to approach them. This session will provide guidance
and tips on implementing specializations for lawyers and basic instructional
programs for other professionals, whether via online technology or in-person. We
will discuss the “stackable model,” under which schools may allow students to
build their own educational path over time. These techniques permit law schools
to become more integrated with various units on campus, and promotes their
knowledge to a larger portion of the population.
Business meeting will be held at program conclusion.