Section Officers are invited to attend this breakfast. We also encourage Chairs to invite the Chair-Elect and up to two other section members such as the Treasurer, the Program Chair or the Newsletter Editor. At this year's program, AALS President Wendy C. Perdue will discuss her theme for the 2019 Annual Meeting to be held in New Orleans and the Chair of the Committee on Sections will provide suggestions for the successful operation of your Section.
In addition, the AALS is delighted to honor the two winners of the inaugural Section of the Year Award, the Section on Clinical Legal Education and the Section on Women in Legal Education.
The Section of the Year Award recognizes excellence in member support and other activities that promote AALS’s core values. Activities may include: annual meeting programming, facilitating outstanding scholarship, providing teaching support and course materials, community/pro bono service, engagement with the bar and bench, mentoring programs, expanding membership and member engagement, creative use of technology, and more.