The Trump presidency
has sought to comprehensively dismantle mechanisms that welcome, value, and
integrate immigrants in favor of a stance maintaining that the United States
does not welcome or value immigrants—thereby calling into question basic
principles that many have believed to have long since been resolved and
settled. But the values implicated by immigration law are complex and difficult
to define. While the United States has long proclaimed to be a “nation of
immigrants,” immigration law has always sent conflicting signals. This session
will examine fundamental values of contemporary immigration law and examine
immigration law values past, present, and future. The session will also explore
whether there are values not currently be understood as settled principles that
should be. For example, is immigration law immoral if it results in separation
of families? Does immigration adjudication meet basic norms of fairness? What
would make immigration law closer to realizing immigration ideals?
Business meeting at program conclusion.