Sessions Information

  • January 7, 2012
    8:00 pm - 11:00 pm
    Session Type: AALS Programs
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
    Room: Thurgood Marshall West
    Floor: Mezzanine Level

    AALS would to thank and recognize Carolina Academic Press

    for their financial support of the 2012 Annual Meeting Inaugural Law and Film Series


    The AALS 2012 Annual Meeting will introduce the Law and Film Series, featuring films on legal topics, chosen for their cinematic and legal value, identifying film resources for possible classroom instructional purposes, as well as raising general awareness for law and film appreciation purposes. We hope that this Film Series will enhance the Annual Meeting experience for attendees. For each of two nights, we will show films chosen by the Annual Meeting Film Advisory Committee, including Double Features. There will be brief discussions and commentary in connection with the films. Instructional materials will be made available.


    Documentary films – 8:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.


    Cruz Reynoso: Sowing the Seeds of Justice (Abby Ginzberg 2011) (58 minutes)

    A film about lawyer, labor activist, Justice of California Supreme Court and law professor Cruz Reynoso.


    Brazil in Black and White (Adam Stepan 2007) (60 minutes)  

    The problems implementing affirmative action in higher education in Brazil, interesting take on racial identification and class.  This documentary aired a few years ago on PBS' Wide Angle



Session Speakers
Social Action Media

Session Fees
  • 6520 AALS Inaugural Film Series: $0.00