Sessions Information

  • April 29, 2023
    9:00 am - 10:00 am
    Session Type: Concurrent Sessions
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: N/A
    Room: Yosemite A
    Floor: Ballroom Level

    This session explores the idea of a “parenting professor penalty,” the panoply of barriers, harms, and challenges that pregnant and parenting people, as well as those who are presumed to be probable to be pregnant or parenting in the future, face in entering and being successful within the legal academy. The “parenting professor penalty” builds upon the work of Meera Deo and other scholars, who have established how the race and gender of legal academics impact not only their individual and collective experience, but also legal education more broadly. This session engages participants to raise and highlight the contours of the parenting professor penalty. Ultimately, participants and facilitators plan to co-generate ideas and mechanisms to address these challenges.

Session Speakers
University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law
Concurrent Session Speaker

Tulane University Law School
Concurrent Session Speaker

Session Fees

Fees information is not available at this time.