Sessions Information

  • January 3, 2015
    8:00 am - 7:30 pm
    Session Type: Other Organization Events
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: N/A
    Room: Palladian Room
    Floor: Lobby Level
    The 17th Annual Federalist Society Faculty Conference will be held on January 3-4, 2015 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.
    Saturday, January 3, 2015
    Continental Breakfast and Reports from Faculty on Projects of Interest
    8:00 - 9:00 am
    Palladian Ballroom, Lobby Level, Omni Shoreham Hotel

    Panel 1: The Executive Power to Not Enforce the Law
    9:00 -10:45 am
    Palladian Ballroom, Lobby Level, Omni Shoreham Hotel
    John Harrison, University of Virginia School of Law
    Gillian Metzger, Columbia Law School
    Zachary Price, University of California Hastings College of Law
    Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz, Georgetown University Law Center
    Moderator: Tara Leigh Grove, William & Mary Law School
    7 Minute Presentations of Works in Progress Panel 1-A
    11:00 am-12:30 pm
    Palladian Ballroom, Lobby Level, Omni Shoreham Hotel
    Tara Leigh Grove, William and Mary Law School, "Reconsidering the Political Question Doctrine"
    Ken Masugi, Johns Hopkins University, "The 13th Amendment as Completion of the American Founding:
    Toward an Originalist Jurisprudence"
    James Maxeiner, University of Baltimore School of Law, "A Government of Laws Not of Precedents: Google's
    Challenge to Common Law Myth"
    Michael Morley, Barry University School of Law, "Remedial Equilibration and the Right to Vote Under the
    Fourteenth Amendment"
    Aaron Nielson, Brigham Young University Law School and Christopher Walker, Ohio State University Moritz
    College of Law, "The New Qualified Immunity: Pearson's Pathologies and the Need for Reason Giving"
    Ilya Somin, George Mason University School of Law and David Bernstein, George Mason University School of Law, "The Mainstreaming of Libertarian Constitutionalism"
    Thaddeus Williams, Trinity Law School, “Aretegenic Law: Can Virtue Be Legislated?”
    7 Minute Presentations of Works in Progress Panel 1-B
    11:00 am-12:30 pm
    Empire Ballroom, Lower Level, Omni Shoreham Hotel
    Marco de Benito, IE Law School, "International Arbitration: A Principled Order"
    Matthew Harrington, University of Montreal Faculty of Law, "Is It Charitable to Discriminate?"
    Jake Linford, Florida State University College of Law, "Semantic Shift and Trademark Contexts"
    Andrew Schwartz, University of Colorado Law School, "The Agency Costs of Crowdfunding"
    Victoria Schwartz, Pepperdine University School of Law, "Overcoming the Public-Private Divide in Privacy
    Christina Parajon Skinner, Columbia Law School, "Transnational White-Collar Crime"
    Stephen Ware, University of Kansas School of Law, "Arbitration and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: A Centrist Proposal"
    Lunch Debate: Resolved, that the Affordable Care Act Does Not Authorize Subsidies for Individuals Purchasing Health Insurance Through Federal Exchanges
    12:30 - 2:30 pm
    Diplomat Ballroom, Lobby Level, Omni Shoreham Hotel
    Jonathan Adler, Case Western University School of Law
    Nicholas Bagley, University of Michigan School of Law

    Moderator:  Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz, Georgetown University Law Center
    Young Legal Scholars Paper Presentations
    2:30 - 4:30 pm
    Palladian Ballroom, Lobby Level, Omni Shoreham Hotel
    William Baude, University of Chicago Law School, "Is Originalism the Law?"
    Charles Korsmo, Case Western University School of Law and Minor Myers, Brooklyn Law School, "Aggregation by Acquisition: Replacing Class Actions with a Market for Legal Claims"
    Christopher Newman, George Mason University School of Law, "Bailment and the Property/Contract Interface"
    Christopher Walker, Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, "Inside Agency Interpretation"
    Kevin Walsh, University of Richmond School of Law, "In the Beginning There Was None: Supreme Court Review of State Criminal Prosecutions"

    Commenter: James Lindgren, Northwestern University School of Law
    Commenter: M. Todd Henderson, University of Chicago Law School
    Panel 2:Private Enforcement versus Government Regulation 
    4:45-6:30 pm
    Palladian Ballroom, Lobby Level, Omni Shoreham Hotel
    Lester Brickman, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
    Brian Fitzpatrick, Vanderbilt Law School
    M. Todd Henderson, University of Chicago Law School
    6:30-7:30 pm
    Diplomat Ballroom, Lobby Level, Omni Shoreham Hotel
Session Speakers

Speaker information is not available at this time.

Session Fees

Fees information is not available at this time.