You are an orthopedic surgeon. Tomorrow morning, you are scheduled to fix an elderly woman’s broken hip. But the woman is demented, and no family can be located. Do you proceed? Or do you seek a court-appointed guardian to give you the “go ahead”? Delaying surgery increases the risks of complications. But proceeding means acting without authorization or informed consent.
Unfortunately, clinicians and facilities across the United States have responded to these questions in inconsistent and ad hoc ways. This is troubling, because the “unbefriended” or “unrepresented” are some of the most powerless and marginalized members of society. They comprise 3-4% of the 1.3 million people living in nursing homes and 5% of the 500,000 per year who die in ICUs.
These expert panelists will describe the scope and nature of the problem as well as its causal factors. They will also outline both currently implemented and proposed solutions.
Business meeting at program conclusion.