Sessions Information

  • January 8, 2011
    10:30 am - 12:15 pm
    Session Type: AALS Committee Programs
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: Hilton San Francisco Union Square
    Room: Imperial A
    Floor: Ballroom Level

    Making the transition from writing law review articles or completing a dissertation to writing a book is a daunting task, especially if you do not have a strong mentor to guide you through the process.  The Committee seeks to assist interested scholars in learning the ins and outs of book publishing so that they can enhance their publishing success.   There are, of course, many types of books (academic books, trade books, casebooks, student study aids, authored books, and edited books, for example).  Due to time constraints, this workshop will focus on scholarly and academic books rather than casebooks or practice materials.  


    Led by authors with experience at preparing and soliciting manuscripts in a variety of categories, this workshop seeks to bridge the gap between being a productive scholar and a first time book author. Editors from several book publishers will explain what they look for in reviewing a book proposal and how their press approaches the contract and publishing process. 


    Some of the questions to be answered by the workshop include:


    ·        How does one determine the type of book that best fits an individual’s research program and professional goals? (For example, trade books, casebooks, academic books, authored book or edited book).

    ·        How does one chose an appropriate publisher for a given book idea and proposal?

    ·        What should be in a book proposal, and what else should be sent with a proposal?

    ·        Does one need to submit a full manuscript with a book proposal?

    ·        How does writing a book differ from a law review article or a dissertation?

    ·        How does the peer review process work?

    ·        What questions should be asked of an editor and what might one expect in a publishing contract?

    ·        What can one expect from a publisher with respect to publication of materials on SSRN, or in other sources prior to book publication and post publication?

    ·        What can one expect in discussions of royalties or the choice between a hardback and soft cover book?

    ·        What are the key stages in the book publication process and about how long might they take?


    The session will be conducted as a conversation with the moderators posing questions to the various participants.  There will be time set aside for audience questions.

Session Speakers
Cambridge University Press

Oxford University Press

New York University Press

Harvard University Press

Syracuse University College of Law

University at Buffalo School of Law, The State University of New York

Session Fees
  • 7200 Committee on Research Program: $0.00