The past year has seen numerous
shifts in international trade and investment globally. With the United States’
withdrawal from the Trans Pacific Partnership and increasing rumbles of
protectionism in U.S. policy toward Asian nations, the current state of global
trade and investment in Asia is in flux. This panel will explore a broad range
of issues dealing with trade and foreign investment across Asia, including the
shift toward multilateral regional trade agreements (TPP, RCEP, APEC) and
bilateral trade agreements, and multilateral and bilateral investment treaties
and agreements including the 1987 and 2009 ASEAN agreements. The panel will
explore cutting edge developments including new treaties and agreements
covering goods and services, intellectual property rights, agriculture, and
foreign direct investment. Panelists will explore the implications of these
trends for national and regional economic development, and trade with other
global regions.
A virtual business meeting was held prior to the Annual Meeting.