Online LL.M. programs are gaining in popularity. For practicing attorneys, they may offer a convenient way of acquiring desired skills and credentials without putting one’s practice on “hold.” For law schools, they represent a possible source of new revenue without the need to invest in new offices, classrooms and parking spaces.
However, online legal education presents its own pedagogical, logistical and technological challenges. What should be Best Practices in online LL.M. programs? What can legal educators and LL.M. program administrators learn from distance educators in other fields about delivering high-quality classes and academic programs via the Internet? What kinds of investments in technology and other resources may be needed to deliver quality online LL.M. education, and are the economic rewards sufficient to make them worthwhile? To what extent is distance education a way to build on the increasing interest of foreign law graduates in obtaining an LL.M. from a U.S. law school?
This panel will bring together LL.M. program educators and administrators and experts in legal and online pedagogy to discuss these important issues.
Business Meeting at Program Conclusion.