2013 Annual Meeting
Date: January 4 7, 2013
Location: Hilton New Orleans Riverside
Association of American Law School Schools
Global Engagement and the Legal Academy
-View Final Program, Amended December 10, 2012-
-Schedule at a Glance-
Dates and Location – The 2013 AALS Annual Meeting will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana from Friday, January 4 through Monday, January 7, 2013. The Big Easy! The Crescent City! Birthplace of Jazz! New Orleans is known by any number of nicknames, but none can completely describe this unique city.
Theme - AALS President Lauren K. Robel’s, Indiana University, theme for the 2013 Annual Meeting is Global Engagement and the Legal Academy. At this annual meeting, the Association of American Law Schools goes global. As the legal academy’s learned society, AALS invites engagement with the intellectual, theoretical, pedagogical, professional, and collegial opportunities and challenges that globalization presents.
Theoretically, those challenges include, among many others, the limits of sovereignty and the reach of regulation in a globalized economy; the effects of supranational organizations on national enforcement regimes; the increasingly strategic interactions between individuals and nongovernmental organizations and the supranational; the impact of proliferating sources of law; and the development of new fields of legal knowledge that address all of these issues. Pedagogically, our challenges include how to prepare our students to recognize and analyze transnational legal issues; how to build the global into the curriculum; how to teach effectively to globally diverse student bodies; how to develop cultural competencies for practice; how to provide cross-boundary professional opportunities; and how to do all of this in a time of cost constraints. Professionally and collegially, we face questions of how best to build effective and respectful relationships and collaborations with legal academics, institutions, and scholarly organizations in other countries and how to determine what ethical engagement with the traditions in other countries entails.
As AALS considers its role as a scholarly membership organization in supporting the global engagement of its members, this annual meeting will provide opportunities to define and expand our understanding of our shared needs in a globalized world.
Registration – if you are listed in the AALS Directory of Law Teachers, you may register online here. If you are not in the Directory you may download the registration form PDF, and fax or mail your form to AALS. The early bird registration deadline date is November 14.
Meeting Registration Fee – includes admission to all AALS programs (excluding AALS Luncheon and Section ticketed events.)
Faculty and Employees of AALS Member and Fee-Paid Law Schools
$425 if received by November 14
$475 if received after November 14
Faculty at International Law Schools
$400 if received by November 14
$450 if received after November 14
Other Law Schools
$475 if received by November 14
$525 if received after November 14
Law Students
$255 if received by November 14
$295 if received after November 14
· Additional registration forms can be downloaded here: http://www.aals.org/am2013/regform.pdf
· Meeting Sign-Up: Review the program and indicate the sessions you plan to attend by selecting the “Session Code”. You can find the codes listed immediately to the left of the program names throughout the program (e.g. [4180] Section on Constitutional Law.)
· Registration Questions? Contact AALS registration at (202) 296-8851
; fax (202) 872-1829
or E-mail registration@aals.org.
Refund Policy: All fees will be refunded less a $20 processing fee to those whose written requests are received by AALS by December 12, 2012. Contact the AALS by Fax: (202) 872-1829
; or e-mail: registration@aals.org. No refunds will be given for cancellations of registration and/or event fees received after December 12, 2012.
Headquarter Hotel – AALS Registration, Exhibit Hall, Section Programs, and the House of Representatives meeting will be held at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel.
Hotels for Housing– The Hilton New Orleans Riverside, Loews New Orleans, Marriott New Orleans at the Convention Center, W New Orleans and Westin New Orleans Canal Place.
Hotel Reservations – After completion of the registration process, you will receive a confirmation email from AALS with instructions for booking a hotel reservation along with a list of AALS convention hotels, locations, group rates, and a link to book reservations online. AALS convention hotels will only accept reservations made through Official Housing, a housing service provided by the New Orleans Convention and Visitor Bureau (this is not AALS headquarters). The housing process is designed to ensure that AALS group rate hotel rooms are reserved by those that support the Annual Meeting – its attendees and exhibitors.
Admission Policy – Admission to all programs requires your AALS qualifying name badge. Admission to meal events requires both your name badge and a purchased ticket for the meal event.
Conference Highlights
AALS Luncheon – We are pleased to announce that the Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State Harold Hongju Koh has agreed to speak at the Association’s Luncheon, the preeminent event of the Annual Meeting. Professor Koh is on leave from Yale Law School where he is the Martin R. Flug ‘55 Professor of International Law. He will provide his perspective on the meeting’s theme of Global Engagement of the Legal Academy. The Association Luncheon will be held on Sunday, January 6, from 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.; see the registration form in this program or register online to purchase the $90 ticket.
Associate Justice Antonin Scalia joins panelists for the Section on Civil Procedure program on“75th Anniversary of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Looking Back, Looking Ahead” and the Section on Legislation and the Law of the Political Process program on “Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts.”
AALS Presidential Workshop on Globalizing the Curriculum – Join us on Saturday, January 5th for this daylong workshop.
Quantitative Empirical Training Workshop, an intensive 10 hour course on statistical analysis in the legal context. There is an additional registration fee of $100 which includes a box lunch. Advance registration is required and homework will be assigned.
Qualitative Empirical Research Workshop, a 10 hour course providing an overview of qualitative research approaches. There is an additional registration fee of $100 which includes a box lunch. Advance registration is required and optional homework will be assigned.
A Sampling of AALS Section and Committee Programs
40 Years after Rodriquez, 35 Years after Bakke: Education, Equality and Fundamental Rights
Google and Antitrust
Racial and Gender Bias in Legal and Equitable Remedies: At the Crossroads of Doctrine and Social Science
The Debt Crisis and the National Response: Big Changes or Tinkering at the Edges?
Exploring the Links Between Food and Agriculture Policy and Obesity
Capstone Third Year Courses
Deaning in the “New Normal”
Law for the End of the World as We Know it: Planning For Dystopia
Global Corporate Rights and Responsibilities: Reflections on Citizens United and Kiobel
Improving Student Well-Being Inside and Outside the Law School Classroom
Law and Film Series, featuring one night of competitively selected documentaries, “Out of the Ashes: 9/11” and “Good Copy/Bad Copy” and another night of two classic films, “The Talk of the Town” and “Compulsion,” identified for cinematic and legal value and for possible classroom use.
AALS Gala Reception - The AALS Gala Reception will be held at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside on Saturday, January 5th from 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall – The AALS Exhibit Hall gives attendees the opportunity to discuss teaching methods and new technologies in legal education with exhibiting companies and view and discuss products that can enhance your teaching and career. The Exhibit Hall also serves as a “Meeting Place” for attendees to interact and exchange ideas and includes a lounge area with coffee, tea, pastries, and refreshments served in the mornings and afternoons. Review the program for the open hours of the Exhibit Hall.
House of Representatives – The AALS House of Representatives will meet on Saturday, January 5th at 5:15 p.m. and again on Sunday, January 6th at 5:45 p.m. These meeting will feature presentations from AALS President Lauren K. Robel, Indiana University; AALS Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer, Susan Westerberg Prager; and AALS President-Elect Leo P. Martinez, University of California, Hastings College of Law. Designated representatives from all member law schools are expected to attend the meeting of the House of Representatives. All law school teacher attendees are invited to attend.
Networking – The AALS Annual Meeting is an excellent opportunity to connect with colleagues from different law schools around matters of common interest. Law Schools hold receptions for graduates and friends and many other legal education organizations hold meetings and programs in conjunction with the Association’s Annual Meeting.
Program Updates – For up-to-date information about the meeting, click on the "program" tab at the top of this page to find the program schedule, and then click on the program name link to see the list of current speakers and a program description.
A final program will be printed in December of 2012 reflecting all speaker and session changes and will include any new sessions. The final program will be distributed to all attendees at the Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
Continuing Legal Education Credit – CLE sign-in sheets will be available in the rear of the session meeting rooms. AALS can provide verification that you attended the session if you sign the CLE sign-in sheet. However, please note AALS has not received certification of CLE credit from any state for the AALS Annual Meeting.
Business Center - The business center is located on the lobby level of the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel. It is available 24 hours a day with your guest room key. Services include: photocopying, fax services, computer services, high-speed Internet access, wireless Internet access, package handling and color laser printer.
Internet Access - The Hilton New Orleans Riverside offers high-speed Internet access in the hotel lobby and designated public areas at no charge. The designated public areas with Internet access are RiverBlends Restaurant, seating area of Spirits Bar, and seating area near elevator banks in Main building. Internet access in your guest rooms is available for a fee of $12.95 per 24 hours. Internet access is not provided in the meeting rooms.
Child Care –For those requiring child care services during hours in which AALS meetings and activities are occurring, once again, AALS will provide an on-site child care activity center in New Orleans during the 2013 AALS Annual Meeting. Children ages 6 months to 12 years old are welcome to participate. The Children’s Activity Center will be located in the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel. Play materials, toys for all age groups, games, videos, etc. will be provided, and age-oriented activities will be planned for the children. Information, including fees, hours and the registration procedures are available here or by clicking on the “child care” tab at the top of the page.
Other Questions – For non-registration questions about the meeting, contact AALS at (202) 296-8851
or email events@aals.org
We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!