Sessions Information

  • January 5, 2022
    4:45 pm - 6:00 pm
    Session Type: Section Works-in-Progress
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Location: N/A
    Room: N/A
    Floor: N/A
    The purpose of this program is to bring together junior and senior scholars in agricultural and food law to provide junior scholars with feedback on their works in progress. Two senior scholars will provide comments on each paper selected from a call for papers. Others are encouraged to join in the discussion!
Session Speakers
University of South Carolina School of Law

University of Hawaii, William S. Richardson School of Law


Works-in-Progress Presenter

Wake Forest University School of Law

Penn State Law

University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Works-in-Progress Presenter

University of South Carolina School of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter

Session Fees
  • Agricultural and Food Law - New Voices in Agriculture & Food Law: $0.00