Sessions Information
January 8, 2022
12:35 pm - 1:50 pm
Session Type: Section Programs
Session Capacity: N/A
Hotel: N/A
Room: N/A
Floor: N/A
COVID has highlighted pre-existing institutional and societal barriers, providing robust care for vulnerable seniors, and factors contributing to unequal treatment. This panel will examine inequality and aging from various perspectives, including the impact of the “pariah-tization” of COVID on vulnerable seniors, how social policies that discriminate on the basis of narrowly defined family relationships create inequality among older adults, and the mismatch between traditional family law and the lives of many older Americans. Also, it will examine narratives of im/migrant, Latinx, and/or BIPOC women working as long-term care aides in order to identify shortcomings in existing law to protect this critical workforce.
Session Speakers
University of Virginia School of Law
The University of Chicago, The Law School
Fordham University School of Law
Syracuse University College of Law
The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law
The Institute of World Politics
Columbia Law School
The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law
Session Fees
- Aging and the Law, Co-Sponsored by Civil Rights, Clinical Legal Education, Disability Law, Family and Juvenile Law, Law, Medicine and Health Care, Poverty Law, and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues - Inequality and Aging: $0.00