Sessions Information
January 4, 2020
3:30 pm - 5:15 pm
Session Type: Section Works-in-Progress
Session Capacity: N/A
Location: Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
Room: Roosevelt 3
Floor: Exhibition Level
This is an early stage works-in-progress program for scholars of all levels within the disciplines of agricultural and food law, environmental law, and natural resources and energy law. Papers will be grouped loosely by topic and areas of expertise and participants will present at round tables to small groups. Papers will be uploaded and available in advance through a link distributed on the section's email listserv.
Session Speakers
University of Oregon School of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
The University of Tulsa College of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
University of Utah, S. J. Quinney College of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
University of Oregon School of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
University of Houston Law Center
Works-in-Progress Presenter
Northern Illinois University College of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
University of Hawai‘i, William S. Richardson School of Law
University of Pittsburgh School of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
Rutgers Law School
Works-in-Progress Presenter
Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
William & Mary Law School
Works-in-Progress Presenter
Suffolk University Law School
Works-in-Progress Presenter
Penn State Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
University of New Mexico School of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
Seton Hall University School of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
Cleveland State University College of Law
Vermont Law and Graduate School
Works-in-Progress Presenter
Pepperdine University, Rick J. Caruso School of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
University of New Mexico School of Law
Works-in-Progress Presenter
University of Houston Law Center
Works-in-Progress Presenter
Session Fees
- [5460] Agricultural and Food Law, Co-Sponsored by Environmental Law and Natural Resources and Energy Law - Agriculture and Food, Environmental, and Natural Resources and Energy Works in Progress: $0.00