Sessions Information
January 8, 2025
9:50 AM - 11:20 AM
Session Type: Section Programs
Session Capacity: N/A
Location: The Moscone Center
Room: Room 204
Floor: Level Two South
Local government touches the lives of citizens most directly on a daily basis. The growing use of AI in areas ranging from open records, digital government, automation, and many other examples, demonstrate attempts to think outside of the box and provide constituent services more effectively and efficiently, but at what cost? As we have seen in the context of elections and school districts, some local governments have bumped up against preemption measures at the state level that constrict autonomy, while others grapple with the potential pitfalls of tech-based solutions related to privacy, data use, and effects on marginalized communities.
Session Speakers
Fordham University School of Law
Microsoft Corporation
University of Missouri School of Law
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Local Solutions Support Center
Session Fees
- State and Local Government Law and Communication, Media and Information Law Joint Program - Local Government: Innovation, AI Transformation, & Legislation: $0.00