Sessions Information

  • May 10, 2022
    1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
    Session Type: Workshop Programs
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Hotel: N/A
    Room: N/A
    Floor: N/A
    We’ve braved the belly of the beast.
    We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace,
    and the norms and notions
    of what just is
    isn’t always just-ice.
    And yet the dawn is ours
    before we knew it,
    somehow we do it.
    Excerpt from The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman

    This session, Square Cases and Clients in the Round Hole of “Justice,” will provide guidance to clinical supervisors who seek extra-legal solutions for their clients, particularly where the law does not appear to support their client’s goals, or where a desirable legal remedy is not available to the client.
    First, the session will explore breaking through the legal hierarchy and power structure, and forsaking ego, to devise creative ways to use the law to acquire leverage to reach settlements and outcomes aligned with your clients’ goals.
    Second, the session will explore avenues outside the court system, including collaboration with administrative channels, to obtain remedies for the client.
    Lastly, the session will explore leveraging your students to reclaim narratives and reach long-term solutions through non-legal strategies, collective action, and community engagement, with an emphasis on utilizing traditional media, social media, and education.
    After the presentation exploring extra-legal solutions, there will be a breakout session for attendees to discuss what approaches and strategies they would use to achieve their client’s goal.
    And finally, there will be a brief Q&A session.
    We anticipate some music and singing as well by the fabulous Marc Janowitz – not to be missed!
    While this program will be substantively rooted in Housing Law practice, all subject-matter clinicians seeking creative resolution ideas for their clients and students-especially those of you/us working with a court system that perpetuates inequality and racial disparities (which is all of us!)- will benefit from the ideas shared and generated in this session.

Session Speakers
University of California, Berkeley School of Law

University of California, Berkeley School of Law

University of California, Berkeley School of Law

Session Fees
  • Square Cases and Clients in the Round Hole of “Justice”: $0.00