Sessions Information

  • January 5, 2023
    3:00 pm - 4:40 pm
    Session Type: Section Programs
    Session Capacity: N/A
    Location: N/A
    Room: Marriott Grand Ballroom 5
    Floor: Lobby Level, North Tower
    This program will provide an update on workplace mandatory arbitration clauses. The program will focus on Viking River Cruises v. Moriana, the federal amendment to the Federal Arbitration Act carving out sexual harassment claims, and claims brought by non-employees for the benefit of employees.

    Business meeting held on Wednesday, January 4, 6:00pm
Session Speakers
Texas A&M University School of Law

LMU Loyola Law School, Los Angeles

South Texas College of Law Houston

University of Missouri School of Law

Session Fees
  • Employment Discrimination Law - Co-Sponsored by Alternative Dispute Resolution, Contracts, and Labor Relations and Employment Law - Challenging Forced Employee Arbitration Agreements: $0.00