Sessions Information
January 8, 2022
12:35 pm - 1:50 pm
Session Type: Section Programs
Session Capacity: N/A
Location: N/A
Room: N/A
Floor: N/A
Join us as a panel of deans discuss why they prioritize public service, pro bono, and other social justice initiatives at their law schools. The panel will discuss the essential ingredients needed to build a strong culture of service within law schools and the ways they support (financially and otherwise) the costs of pro bono and public service when budgets are tight. How do service-oriented programs support admissions, curricular, career planning, and alumni relations efforts? How can law schools respond to the access to justice crisis? This will be an engaging discussion for deans and pro bono program managers alike.
The Section on Pro Bono & Public Service Opportunities will be holding a joint award ceremony with Leadership, Professional Responsibility, and Women in Legal Education on Saturday, January 8th at 2:00 - 3:00 pm Eastern.
Session Speakers
Fordham University School of Law
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Howard University School of Law
University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law
University of California, Berkeley School of Law
University of Arkansas School of Law
Baylor University School of Law
Session Fees
- For the Law School Dean, and Pro-Bono & Public Service Opportunities Joint Program, Co-Sponsored by Balance in Legal Education, Clinical Legal Education, and Leadership - Prioritizing Public Service in Your Role as the Dean: Why it Matters: $0.00