Sessions Information
January 5, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:40 pm
Session Type: Section Works-in-Progress
Session Capacity: N/A
Hotel: Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Room: Georgetown University Room
Floor: Level M1
This works-in-progress session will give emerging workplace law scholars the opportunity for engagement on a current project with leaders in the field. Each selected scholar will present a work-in-progress and receive comments from an assigned commentator, as well as from an audience of scholars in the field. The session will provide new scholars a supportive environment in which to receive constructive feedback.
Session Speakers
Fordham University School of Law
Speaker from a Call for Papers
New York University School of Law
Speaker from a Call for Papers
Rutgers Law School
Speaker from a Call for Papers
The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law
Speaker from a Call for Papers
South Texas College of Law Houston
Session Fees
- Employment Discrimination Law and Labor Relations and Employment Law Joint Program - New & Emerging Voices in Workplace Law: $0.00